Health Care

Applications of CPS technologies used in health care.

Visible to the public Geolocated Allergen Sensing Platform (GASP)


This project combines Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and gigabit networks to address major health concerns due to air pollution. A working demonstration of this project will be presented during the Global City Teams meeting in June 2015 with an update in June 2016. A wide range of health outcomes is affected by air pollution.


Visible to the public Learning from Cells for Transport at Micron Scale


The realization of a robust infrastructure that enables simultaneous transport of many micron and smaller sized particles will have a transformative impact on a vast range of areas such as medicine, drug development, electronics, and bio-materials.


Visible to the public A Framework for Validation and Monitoring of Robotic Surgery Systems


The objective of this research is the development of a framework for assessing the reliability and safety of robotic surgery systems during development, field testing, and general deployment. The framework uses accurate simulations to assess pre-clinical reliability before deployment. After deployment, the framework uses data collection through online monitoring of the system as it is being used in the field, followed by analysis to obtain assessments of operational reliability and safety.


Visible to the public Human-Machine Interaction with Mobility Enhancing Soft Exosuits


Stroke is the major cause of disability in adults in the western world, often resulting in hemiparesis and severe mobility impairments. Recently, rigid exoskeletons have been introduced for clinic-based gait rehabilitation: these systems can apply high levels of assistance, but also introduce kinematic restrictions and significant additional mass to the patient. As such, these devices are well suited to patients with little to no residual mobility (e.g.


Visible to the public CPS: Synergy: Integrated Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis of Miniature Medical Devices


This project develops an integrated design and simulation environment for the creation of miniature capsule robots (MCRs). An MCR is a biocompatible Cyber-Physical System (CPS) designed to operate in the human body to accomplish diagnostic or therapeutic tasks (e.g., colonoscopy, abdominal surgery, etc.). A typical MCR has to fulfill three main constraints: safety, low power operation and small size. Advances in miniaturization of electronic devices have made MCRs a reality.


Visible to the public Learning Control Sharing Strategies for Assistive Cyber-Physical Systems


People with upper extremity disabilities are gaining increased independence through the use of assistive robotic arms, but performing tasks that require many small precise movements remains difficult. In fact, a confounding factor is that the more severe a person's motor impairment, the more limited are the control interfaces available to them to operate the system.


Visible to the public Multi-Robot Cyber-Physical System For Assisting Young Developmentally-Delayed Children in Learning to Walk


This project, NSF grant 1329363, is a modular, computationally-distributed multi-robot cyber-physical system (CPS) for assisting young developmentally-delayed children learning to walk. The challenges of assisting young developmentally-delayed children learning to walk are 1) stabilizing medio-lateral body sway, 2) developing gait that exploits energy exchange, and 3) coordinating multiple degrees of freedom.


Visible to the public Fault-Tolerant Brain Implantable Cyber-Physical System


Episodic brain disorders such as epilepsy have a considerable impact on a patient's productivity and quality of life and may be life-threatening when seizures cannot be controlled with medications. We will create a second generation brain-implantable sensing and stimulating device (BISSD) based on CPS principles and practice.


Visible to the public Synergy: Collaborative Research: Security and Privacy-Aware Cyber-Physical Systems


Security and privacy concerns in the increasingly interconnected world are receiving much attention from the research community, policymakers, and general public. However, much of the recent and on-going efforts concentrate on privacy in communication and social interactions. The advent of cyber-physical systems, which aim at tight integration between distributed computational intelligence, communication networks, physical world, and human actors, opens new possibilities for developing intelligent systems with new capabilities.


Visible to the public Cyber-Enabled Repetitive Motions in Rehabilitation


The project seeks to develop cyber-enabled exercise machines (CEEMs), which will be characterized by: i. intrinsic safety, ii. an extended use of sensing and estimation of biomechanical data, iii. real-time adaptation and guidance to the user to achieve optimal exercise. The project will develop optimality criteria on the basis of collective activation of target muscle groups.