
Software & systems engineering and their applications.

Visible to the public CYPRESS: Cyber-Physical RESilience and Sustainability Dependability Techniques for Instrumented Cyber-Physical Spaces


The objective of this research is to develop semantic foundations, cross-layer system architectures and adaptation services to improve dependability in instrumented cyberphysical spaces (ICPS). The approach is based on the principles of "computation reflection" where information from heterogeneous sensing devices is used to create a digital representation of the evolving cyberphysical world for use by mission-critical applications such as infrastructure monitoring, and incident-site emergency response.


Visible to the public The Ektokernel Approach: A Composition Paradigm for Building Evolvable Safety-critical Systems from Unsafe Components


The goal of this project is to develop a tool-chain for composition of safety-critical cyber-physical systems from a small code base of verified components and a large code base of unverified commercial off-the- shelf components. Unlike tool-chains that aim to deliver end-to-end verified component code, starting from formal languages, specifications, or models, an explicit goal of this project is to accommodate large amounts of legacy code that is typically too complex to verify.


Visible to the public Co-design of Platform and Control in NCS Using an Overrun Framework


This research is focused on the co-design of platform and control of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Limited and shared resources among several control and non-control applications in CPS introduce delays in transmitted messages, which in turn can degrade system performance or even cause instabilities. While a worst-case delay based design can accommodate such delays, they often are pessimistic and lead to an overdesign as worst case delays happen infrequently.


Visible to the public CPS Large: Cybernetic Interfaces for the Restoration of Human Movement through Functional Electrical Stimulation


Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is a promising technology for activating muscles in spinal cord injured (SCI) patients. The objective of our project has been to develop an intuitive user interface and control system for FES that allows high-level tetraplegic patients to regain the use of their own arm. This work has had two primary outcomes: contributions to the development of a technology that benefits those with high-level SCI, and the development of biologically-inspired design principles for cyber-physical systems.


Visible to the public CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Engineering Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical-Human Systems

This cross-disciplinary project brings together a team of engineering and computer science researchers to create and demonstrate the value of new techniques for ensuring that systems comprised of hardware, software, and humans will perform in a synergistic and safe manner.


Visible to the public CPS: Synergy: Trustworthy Composition of Dynamic App-Centric Architectures for Medical Application Platforms


Medical devices are typically developed as stand-alone units. Current industrial Verification and Validation (V&V) tech- niques primarily target stand-alone systems. Moreover, the US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) regulatory clearance processes are designed to approve such devices that are integrated by a single manufacturer with complete control over all components.


Visible to the public Development of Novel Architectures for Control and Diagnosis of Safety-Critical Complex Cyber-Physical Systems


The project is developing novel architectures for control and diagnosis of complex cyber--physical systems subject to stringent performance requirements in terms of safety, resilience, and adaptivity. These ever--increasing demands necessitate the use of formal model--based approaches to synthesize provably--correct feedback controllers.


Visible to the public Cyber-Physical Integration for Digital Microfluidic Biochips


The goal of this project is to integrate digital microfluidics systems with thin-film photodetectors in the top plate to realize biochemical target sensing using fluorescence. System control, adaptation, and reconfiguration through software will lead to a general-purpose lab-on-chip computing platform, in the same way as programmable computing devices allow multifunctional capabilities via software on a hardware platform.


Visible to the public Distributed Asynchronous Algorithms & Software Systems For Wide-Area Monitoring of Power Systems


The objective of this project is to develop a distributed algorithmic framework, supported by a highly fault-tolerant software system, for executing critical transmission-level operations of the North American power grid using gigantic volumes of Synchrophasor data.