

Visible to the public SaTC: CORE: Small: Authentication Solutions for Individuals with Upper Extremity Impairment

Authentication solutions for personal computing devices, such as people use to login to their laptops and smart phones, are usually designed with able-bodied individuals in mind. But designs for the able-bodied often make authentication difficult for people with disabilities, particularly for those with upper extremity impairment. Such persons often lack the range of motion, strength, endurance, speed, and/or accuracy associated with normal behavior of the arms, hands, or fingers. Over 20 million people in the U.S. alone suffer from conditions that lead to upper extremity impairment.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Collaborative: Towards Privacy Preserving Online Image Sharing

On-line sharing of images has become a key enabler of users' connectivity. Various types of images are shared through social media to represent users' interests and experiences. While extremely convenient and socially valuable, this level of pervasiveness introduces acute privacy concerns. First, once shared images may go anywhere, as copying / resharing images is straightforward. Second, the information disclosed through an image reveals aspects of users' private lives, affecting both the owner and other subjects in the image.


Visible to the public SaTC: CORE: Small: Preventing Web Side-channel Attacks via Atomic Determinism

Web browsers are vulnerable to side-channel attacks, which usually play an important, first-step role in jump-starting a chain of attacks. For example, a web-level precise clock can help adversaries to break operating system level memory protection mechanisms, such as address-space layout randomization (ASLR). Browser fingerprinting, a variation of web side channels, can be used to obtain users' private information for launching social engineering attacks.


Visible to the public STARSS: Small: Design of Light-weight RRAM based Hardware Security Primitives for IoT devices

Our society has become increasingly dependent on electronic information exchange between personal devices and the cloud. Unfortunately, the number of identity and secure information leaks is on the rise. Many of the security breaches are due to insecure access channels to the cloud. The security problem is likely to be exacerbated in the Internet-of-Things (IoT) era where billions of devices in our homes, offices and cars are digitally connected.


Visible to the public SaTC: CORE: Small: Preventing Web Side-channel Attacks via Atomic Determinism

Web browsers are vulnerable to side-channel attacks, which usually play an important, first-step role in jump-starting a chain of attacks. For example, a web-level precise clock can help adversaries to break operating system level memory protection mechanisms, such as address-space layout randomization (ASLR). Browser fingerprinting, a variation of web side channels, can be used to obtain users' private information for launching social engineering attacks.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: User Behavior Modeling and Prediction in Anonymous Social Networks

Human beings are diverse, and their online behavior is often unpredictable. In today's data-driven world, providers of online services are collecting detailed and comprehensive server-side traces of user activity. These records or logs include detailed, timestamped logs of actions taken by users, often called clickstreams. Given their scale and level of detail, clickstreams present an enormous opportunity for research into user behavioral analysis and modeling.


Visible to the public STARSS: Small: Collaborative: Physical Design for Secure Split Manufacturing of Ics

The trend of outsourcing semiconductor manufacturing to oversea foundries has introduced several security vulnerabilities -- reverse engineering, malicious circuit insertion, counterfeiting, and intellectual property piracy -- making the semiconductor industry lose billions of dollars. Split manufacturing of integrated circuits reduces vulnerabilities introduced by an untrusted foundry by manufacturing only some of the layers at an untrusted high-end foundry and the remaining layers at a trusted low-end foundry.


Visible to the public SaTC: CORE: Small: Collaborative: Exploiting Physical Properties in Wireless Networks for Implicit Authentication

The rapid development of information technology not only leads to great convenience in our daily lives, but also raises significant concerns in the field of security and privacy. Particularly, the authentication process, which serves as the first line of information security by verifying the identity of a person or device, has become increasingly critical. An unauthorized access could result in detrimental impact on both corporation and individual in both secrecy loss and privacy leakage.


Visible to the public SaTC: CORE: Small: Toward Usable and Ubiquitous Trust Initialization and Secure Networking in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

With billions of smart wireless devices being ubiquitously deployed, safeguarding their networking from cyber attacks has become a challenge. Not only can the devices deployed in a network can be heterogeneous in terms of available computing resources and interfaces, but ordinary users typically have limited technical expertise to perform complicated security configurations. What's more, trust among the devices is often lacking because of the different vendors or distribution channels they have traversed.


Visible to the public SaTC: NSF-BSF: CORE: Small: Increasing Users' Cyber-Security Compliance by Reducing Present Bias

Despite advances in computer security, there are still situations in which users must manually perform computer security tasks (e.g., rebooting to apply updates). Although many people recognize that these tasks are important, they still procrastinate. Procrastination is often caused by the failure to properly weigh the long-term security benefits against short-term costs and the annoyance of interrupting the primary task.