Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS)


Visible to the public CAREER: Protecting Privacy in Untrusted Environments

Information about individuals and organizations is increasingly collected in massive databases, sent over public networks and shared across organizational boundaries. This presents serious threats to privacy: even if individual pieces of data are cryptographically protected, sensitive information may still leak out due to mismatches between privacy policies of different components. This project aims to develop tools and techniques for protecting privacy of sensitive data, focusing on three main research thrusts.


Visible to the public CAREER: Flexible Multi-Core Substrate for Trustworthy Computing Systems

Multi-core architecture with 4 to 8 cores on a die is a reality today and future generations of processors are expected to contain even more cores per chip. This project targets to realize the full potential of large-scale multi-core processors as a secure and trustworthy computing substrate. First, in "many-core" processors, the availability of a large number of processing elements together with constraints on power consumption alleviates the need for heavy time-sharing of resources, which often results in various types of side-channels.


Visible to the public CAREER: Non-Conventional Solutions for Ensuring Security in Cognitive Radio Networks

The PHY and MAC layers of cognitive radio networks are very different from those of conventional wireless networks. The distinguishing attributes of cognitive radio networks such as cooperative spectrum sensing, on-demand spectrum contention, incumbent- and self-coexistence mechanisms, and spectrum etiquette mechanisms raise new security implications that have not been studied previously.


Visible to the public CAREER: Collaborative Optimization with Limited Information Disclosure

With the rapid increase in computing, storage and networking resources, data is not only collected and stored but also analyzed. This creates a serious privacy problem which often inhibits the use of this data. This project explores the problem of performing optimization analysis over distributed data without conflicting with privacy and security concerns. This is especially challenging due to the complexity and iterative nature of the solutions.


Visible to the public CAREER: Securing Active Information

When multiple parties attempt to collaborate, they often end up having to compromise the confidentiality of their private information. Cryptographic primitives like secure multiparty computation and obfuscation are aimed at mitigating this situation.


Visible to the public CAREER: Decentralizing Trust in Open Distributed Systems

Distributed systems that allow any user to enroll his node as a participant must resolve two main challenges to achieve reliability: selecting trustworthy participants, and detecting and containing the damage of deviant nodes. This research addresses these challenges by (a) presenting a new system architecture, F2F, that incorporates decentralized trust relationships among users in determining trustworthy nodes and (b) devising new techniques to detect and contain faults of misbehaving nodes in the context of concrete applications using this new architecture.


Visible to the public CAREER: Trust and Privacy Management for Online Social Networks

Online social networks greatly expand the scale of people's social connections, and have the potential to become an open computing platform, where new services can be quickly offered and propagated. Mechanisms for trust management and privacy protection are integral to the future success of online social networks. A trustworthy social network should allow users to flexibly control who can access their social information and to what extend. Online social networks also broaden the scope and scale of social science.


Visible to the public CAREER: Tolerating Access Control Misconfiguration

Access control is a multi-faceted area that has been advanced by a wide range of computer science research communities including programming languages, human-computer interaction, computer

architecture, and operating systems. In general, this body of work has either sought to improve the expressiveness of access control logic or introduce novel mechanisms for enforcing policies. Each


Visible to the public CAREER: Secure Multi-Party Protocols

In this project we design efficient secure algorithms for various multi-party protocol tasks. The protocols must be provably secure based on well-understood cryptographic assumptions, they need to satisfy requirements imposed by the real-world applications of these protocols, and they need to be efficient enough to be usable in practice.


Visible to the public CyberTrust Center: Security Through Interaction Modeling (STIM)

Computer misuse is often easier to recognize in particular instances than it is to specify in general, and is highly sensitive to experience and context. Nevertheless, few computer security technologies, if any, adequately utilize models of experience and context in defending against misuse. This research explores the thesis that many computer defenses can be dramatically improved, in both efficacy and usability, by modeling experience and context in a way that allows the models to become an integral element for defending the system.