Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS)
Submitted by Andrew Miller on Mon, 02/25/2019 - 12:19pm
Smart contracts, popularized by cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, are programs that run atop financial infrastructure and command the flow of money according to user-defined algorithms. Such contracts can implement new, decentralized financial instruments or even virtual corporations defined only by the bundle of smart contracts programmatically governing their behavior.
Submitted by Norman Sadeh on Mon, 02/25/2019 - 12:08pm
Current user-facing computer systems apply a "notice and consent" approach to managing user privacy: the user is presented with a privacy notice and then must consent to its terms. Decades of prior research show that this approach is unmanageable: policies are vague, ambiguous, and often include legal terms that make them very difficult to understand, if they are even read at all.
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 02/25/2019 - 11:28am
Current user-facing computer systems apply a "notice and consent" approach to managing user privacy: the user is presented with a privacy notice and then must consent to its terms. Decades of prior research show that this approach is unmanageable: policies are vague, ambiguous, and often include legal terms that make them very difficult to understand, if they are even read at all.
Submitted by Long Lu on Mon, 02/25/2019 - 11:07am
Society's dependence on mobile technologies rapidly increases as we entrust mobile applications with more and more private information and capabilities. Existing security research follows a common threat model that treats apps as monolithic entities and only captures attack surface between apps. However, recent research reveals that app internal attacks are emerging quickly as complex entities with conflicting interests are commonly included inside a single app to allow for rich features and fast development.
Submitted by George Amariucai on Mon, 07/30/2018 - 11:11am
The project aims at quantifying a general network's inner potential for supporting various forms of security by achieving secret common randomness between pairs or groups of its nodes. Statistical and computational secrecy measures are being considered against a general passive adversary. Common-randomness-achieving protocols are classified into two groups: culture-building and crowd-shielding. The former achieves common randomness between nodes situated in close proximity of each other, from correlated observations of specific (natural or induced) network phenomena.
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 07/30/2018 - 10:53am
Today's systems demand acceleration in processing and learning using massive datasets. Unfortunately, because of poor energy scaling and power limits, performance and power improvements due to technology scaling and instruction level parallelism in general-purpose processors have ended. It is well known that full custom, application-specific hardware accelerators can provide orders-of-magnitude improvements in energy/op for a variety of application domains.
Submitted by Giovanni Vigna on Wed, 06/13/2018 - 2:23pm
Service-oriented architectures (SOAs) enable the dynamic integration of services implemented on heterogeneous computer systems. An advantage of SOAs is that they provide high-level, semantically-rich services by abstracting the low-level details of their implementation. The availability of useful services such as Google's and Amazon's web service APIs has fostered applications that integrate a number of services to provide novel, more complex functionality.
Submitted by Yu Ting on Wed, 06/13/2018 - 2:21pm
The correct behavior and reliable operation of an information system relies not only on what users are permitted to do, but oftentimes on what users are required to do. Such obligatory actions are integral to the security procedures of many enterprises. The management o fobligations in security policies imposes significant technical challenges since obligations bear quite different properties from traditional access control. For example, obligations assigned to users often cannot be enforced.
Submitted by yangxiao on Wed, 06/13/2018 - 2:14pm
Tele-healthcare could largely reduce national healthcare cost through remote self-managed patient monitoring. Cardiac Sensor Networks (CSNs) could be used to deploy such a system. Moreover, the integration of RFID into CSN could play an important role for elder healthcare because RFID could be used to monitor elders' medicine taking behaviors. On the other hand, the disclosure of RFID information during RFID tag-to-reader communications can cause the violation of patients' privacy. This research aims to achieve trustworthiness in a practical RFID-assisted CSN platform.
Submitted by Zhiyuan Li on Wed, 06/13/2018 - 2:10pm
Hardware technologies have made steady progress in miniaturization of sensors and computing/communication devices, which has driven a trend towards pervasive computing, which is a way to let computing devices directly interact with the physical world to monitor the natural environment, to provide building safety, and so on.