Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS)


Visible to the public Collaborative Research: CT-T: Cryptographic Techniques for Searching and Processing Encrypted Data

In this proposal we consider the question of what constitutes identities in cryptography. Typical examples of identities include your name and your social-security number, or your fingerprint/iris-scan, or your address, or your (non-revoked) Public-Key coming from some trusted public-key infrastructure. In many situations, however, where you are defines your identity. For example, we know the role of a bank-teller behind a bullet-proof bank window not because he or she shows us her credentials but by merely knowing her location.


Visible to the public An In-Depth Study of Homomorphic Encryption in Cryptography

In today's digital age almost all aspects of both federal and commercial day-to-day operations are cyber-based. This heavy reliance on cyber-infrastructure requires security, as without security modern networks are susceptible to both internal and external attacks. This project will result in the advancement of our state of knowledge and our understanding of a number of fundamental cryptographic tasks needed for securing cyber-infrastructure.


Visible to the public CT-ISG: Population Studies in Computer Security via DNS Monitoring

This project seeks to understand and analyze the global demography of cybersecurity threats and solutions. It is structured as a population study, in three majors parts. First, a real time monitoring infrastructure captures a new dataset on the population characteristics of malicious software, and of security tools, as they are actually found across the world.


Visible to the public Collaborative Research: CT-M: Hardware Containers for Software Components

This project focuses on hardware features to improve the security of software systems. By refining the coarse-grained protections available in today's architectures, the project will aim to protect the integrity of individual software objects or components.The hardware mechanisms force tight controls on the execution of software components, which programmers can define to be as large as entire applications or as small as individual objects. The goal is to rapidly detect and also recover from attacks that improperly access memory or take over the CPU.


Visible to the public Collaborative Research: CT-M: Hardware Containers for Software Components - Detection and Recovery at the Hardware/Software Interface

This project focuses on hardware features to improve the security of software systems. By refining the coarse-grained protections available in today's architectures, the project will aim to protect the integrity of individual software objects or components. The hardware mechanisms force tight controls on the execution of software components, which programmers can define to be as large as entire applications or as small as individual objects. The goal is to rapidly detect and also recover from attacks that improperly access memory or take over the CPU.


Visible to the public CT-ISG: Power to the People: Tools for Explaining Access-Control Consequences

Without their realizing it, end-users have been turned into authors of access-control policies. Everywhere from Google to Facebook to Microsoft HealthVault and beyond, these policies are usually hidden behind simple user interfaces, but ultimately the users are responsible for setting and then taking responsibility for the consequences of these policies. Indeed, the apparent simplicity of the interfaces sometimes belie the significance of the outcomes.


Visible to the public CT-ISG: Power to the People: Tools for Explaining Access-Control Consequences

Without their realizing it, end-users have been turned into authors of access-control policies. Everywhere from Google to Facebook to Microsoft HealthVault and beyond, these policies are usually hidden behind simple user interfaces, but ultimately the users are responsible for setting and then taking responsibility for the consequences of these policies. Indeed, the apparent simplicity of the interfaces sometimes belie the significance of the outcomes.


Visible to the public Collaborative Research: CT-M: Privacy, Compliance and Information Risk in Complex Organizational Processes

Modern organizations, such as businesses, non-profits, government agencies, and universities, collect and use personal information from a range of sources, shared with specific expectations about how it will be managed and used. Accordingly, they must find ways to comply with expectations, which may be complex and varied, as well as with relevant privacy laws and regulations, while they minimize operational risk and carry out core functions of the organization efficiently and effectively.


Visible to the public CT-ISG: New Directions in Elliptic Curve, Pairing-Based, and Torus-Based Cryptography

The goal of this research is to solve some important problems in nnnntorus-based, pairing-based, multilinear, and elliptic curve and abelian variety cryptography. Elliptic curve cryptography helps to secure the Internet and is used by the U.S. and other governments and institutions to provide secure communication. Abelian variety cryptography includes elliptic and hyperelliptic curve cryptography, scales well to high security levels, and is especially advantageous in constrained environments.


Visible to the public CT-M: Hardware Containers for Software Components - Detection and Recovery at the Hardware/Software Interface

This project focuses on hardware features to improve the security of software systems. By refining the coarse-grained protections available in today's architectures, the project will aim to protect the integrity of individual software objects or components. The hardware mechanisms force tight controls on the execution of software components, which programmers can define to be as large as entire applications or as small as individual objects. The goal is to rapidly detect and also recover from attacks that improperly access memory or take over the CPU.