Human Aspects


Visible to the public CRII: SaTC: Privacy-Enhancing User Interfaces Based on Individualized Mental Models

Technology advances have brought numerous benefits to people and society, but also heightened risks to privacy. This project will investigate mechanisms and build tools to help people make privacy-aware decisions in different online contexts. The outcomes will help people to better understand their own privacy preferences and behavior, and enable them to better manage their privacy on the Internet. The project will create designs that can be integrated into mobile app markets and web browsers. The results will also inform Internet standards and governmental policies on Internet privacy.


Visible to the public EAGER: Collaborative: Computational Cognitive Modeling of User Security and Incentive Behaviors

User behavior is a critical element in the success or failure of computer security protections. The field of Human Security Informatics (HSI) combines security informatics and human-computer interaction design to learn how the design of a human-computer interface can affect the security of a computer system. This research project is contributing to the scientific foundations of HSI by modeling how multitasking users behave when making security-critical decisions.


Visible to the public EAGER: Integrating Cognitive and Computer Science to Improve Cyber Security: Selective Attention and Personality Traits for the Detection and Prevention of Risk

Increasingly, there is a need for better understanding of behavioral and cognitive factors in cyber security. This project is a novel collaboration between computer science cyber security researchers and a cognitive science researcher to generate data on the links between personality traits and cyber security. The broad theoretical premise of the proposed research is that there are particular cognitive preferences and related personality factors that can be assessed in real time, real world scenarios and these may be associated with individual user's secure/insecure cyber behavior.


Visible to the public SaTC-EDU: EAGER: CFEAR: Cyber Forensics Education via Augmented Reality

Creative educational and research programs need to be developed that will inspire young adults (also known as millennials) to pursue critical skills needed to drive our cybersecurity and STEM future and close the ever increasing cybersecurity talent gap. In this regard, educators and researchers must develop innovative curriculum incorporating emerging technologies, in addition to the theoretical content, to help cultivate and retain a highly skilled cybersecurity workforce.


Visible to the public CAREER: RUI: Understanding Human Cognition in Computer Network Defense

The cyber security threat to organizations and governments has continued to grow with increasing dependence on information technology; meanwhile, the entities behind cyber attacks increase in sophistication. Cyber security professionals, the individuals responsible for keeping organizations secure, investigate network activity to find, identify, and respond to threats. These individuals are among the last lines of defense for an organization. Cyber security professionals depend on automated tools to perform their jobs but must make critical decisions that impact security.


Visible to the public CAREER: Privacy-Guaranteed Distributed Interactions in Critical Infrastructure Networks

Information sharing between operators (agents) in critical infrastructure systems such as the Smart Grid is fundamental to reliable and sustained operation. The contention, however, between sharing data for system stability and reliability (utility) and withholding data for competitive advantage (privacy) has stymied data sharing in such systems, sometimes with catastrophic consequences. This motivates a data sharing framework that addresses the competitive interests and information leakage concerns of agents and enables timely and controlled information exchange.


Visible to the public CAREER: Privacy Analytics for Users in a Big Data World

Increasing amounts of data are being collected about users, and increasingly sophisticated analytics are being applied to this data for various purposes. Privacy analytics are machine learning and data mining algorithms applied by end-users to their data for the purpose of helping them manage both private information and their self-presentation.


Visible to the public CAREER: Practical Control Engineering Principles to Improve the Security and Privacy of Cyber-Physical Systems

This project focuses on tackling the security and privacy of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) by integrating the theory and best practices from the information security community as well as practical approaches from the control theory community. The first part of the project focuses on security and protection of cyber-physical critical infrastructures such as the power grid, water distribution networks, and transportation networks against computer attacks in order to prevent disruptions that may cause loss of service, infrastructure damage or even loss of life.


Visible to the public Capacity Building: Collaborative Research: Integrated Learning Environment for Cyber Security of Smart Grid

Ensuring the cyber-security of the smart grid raises significant interest amongst both general public and researchers. However, the corresponding education programs fall behind in many aspects. Very limited curriculum or hands-on learning resources are available for security education about the smart grid, especially for the mutual impacts between cyber and physical systems.


Visible to the public CAREER: Sensible Privacy: Pragmatic Privacy Controls in an Era of Sensor-Enabled Computing

Social networking and sensor-rich devices such as smartphones are becoming increasingly pervasive in today's society. People can share information concerning their location, activity, fitness, and health with their friends and family while benefiting from applications that leverage such information. Yet, users already find managing their privacy to be challenging, and the complexity involved in doing so is bound to increase.