Transition to Practice


Visible to the public TWC: TTP Option: Small: Collaborative: Scalable Techniques for Better Situational Awareness: Algorithmic Frameworks and Large-Scale Empirical Analyses

Attacks on computer networks are an all too familiar event, leaving operators with little choice but to deploy a myriad of monitoring devices to ensure dependable and stable service on the networks they operate. However, as networks grow bigger and faster, staying ahead of the constant deluge of attack traffic is becoming increasingly difficult. A case in point is the attacks on enterprise name servers that interact with the Domain Name System (DNS). These name servers are critical infrastructure, busily translating human readable domain names to IP addresses.


Visible to the public Breakthrough: Collaborative: Secure Algorithms for Cyber-Physical Systems

Modern systems such as the electric smart grid consist of both cyber and physical components that must work together; these are called cyber-physical systems, or CPS. Securing such systems goes beyond just cyber security or physical security into cyber-physical security. While the threats multiply within a CPS, physical aspects also can reduce the threat space. Unlike purely cyber systems, such as the internet, CPS are grounded in physical reality.


Visible to the public TWC: TTP Option: Small: Collaborative: Integrated Smart Grid Analytics for Anomaly Detection

The modernized electric grid, the Smart Grid, integrates two-way communication technologies across power generation, transmission and distribution, in order to deliver electricity efficiently, securely and cost-effectively. On the monitoring and control side, it employs real-time monitoring offered by a messaging-based advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), which ensures the grid's stability and reliability, as well as the efficient implementation of demand response schemes to mitigate bursts demand.


Visible to the public NSFSaTC-BSF: TWC: Small: Enabling Secure and Private Cloud Computing using Coresets

By collecting sensor data from individuals in a user community, e.g., using their smartphones, it is possible to learn the behavior of communities, for example locations, activities, and events. Similarly, using data from personal health monitoring sensors, it is possible to learn about the health risks and responses to treatments for population groups. But is it possible to use the valuable information for the greater good without disclosing information about the individuals contributing the data? What about protecting this information from improper access?


Visible to the public EAGER: Defending Against Visual Cyberbullying Attacks in Emerging Mobile Social Networks

Adolescents have fully embraced social networks for socializing and communicating. However, cyberbullying has become widely recognized as a serious social problem, especially for adolescents using social networks. Also, cyberbullying techniques change rapidly. Perpetrators can use the camera-capacity of their mobile devices to bully others through making and distributing harmful pictures or videos of their victims via mobile social networks.


Visible to the public EAGER: Privacy Compliance by Design: Ideation Techniques to Facilitate System Design Compliant with Privacy Laws and Regulations

The explosion in data gathering has greatly exacerbated existing privacy issues in computing systems and created new ones due to the increase in the scale and the scope of available data as well as the advances in the capabilities of computational data analysis. Software professionals typically have no formal training or education on sociotechnical aspects of privacy. As a result, addressing privacy issues raised by a system is frequently an afterthought and/or a matter of compliance-check during the late phases of the system development lifecycle.


Visible to the public TWC TTP: Small: Collaborative: Privacy-Preserving Data Collection and Access for IEEE 802.11s-Based Smart Grid Applications

The modernized Smart Grid (SG) is expected to enable several new applications such as dynamic pricing, demand response and fraud detection; however, collection of such fine-grained data raises privacy issues. This project aims to design and implement several novel mechanisms for securing data collection and communication in SG Advanced Metering Infrastructure applications while preserving user privacy when the data are to be accessed.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: STRUCT: Enabling Secure and Trustworthy Compartments in Mobile Applications

Society's dependence on mobile technologies rapidly increases as we entrust mobile applications with more and more private information and capabilities. Existing security research follows a common threat model that treats apps as monolithic entities and only captures attack surface between apps. However, recent research reveals that app internal attacks are emerging quickly as complex entities with conflicting interests are commonly included inside a single app to allow for rich features and fast development.


Visible to the public EDU: Lightweight Environment for Network Security Education

The goal of this project is to develop a lightweight infrastructure for supporting hands-on network security education (NSE) and a compelling set of exercises that rely on the infrastructure, covering the three basic aspects of the security: attack, analysis, and defense. Historically, building realistic Cybersecurity exercises has been both a laborious and resource-intensive task.