
Visible to the public TC: Small: Towards Automating Privacy Controls for Online Social Networks

For millions of Internet users today, controlling information access on Online Social Networks (OSNs) such as Facebook and LinkedIn is a difficult challenge. Privacy controls in current systems do not provide the necessary level of flexibility and usability to their users. Some systems like MySpace and LinkedIn allow users to grant all-or-nothing access control to their profiles. While simple to use, these controls are imprecise and can easily leak data to unintended recipients or prevent the legitimate sharing of data.


Visible to the public TC: Small: Collaborative Research: Securing Multilingual Software Systems

Most real software systems consist of modules developed in multiple programming languages. Different languages differ in their security assumptions and guarantees. Consequently, even if single modules are secure in some language model and with respect to some security policy, there is usually no uniform security guarantee on a whole multilingual system. This project focuses on low-overhead techniques for providing security guarantees to software systems in which type-safe languages such as Java interoperate with native code.


Visible to the public TC:Small: A Formal Inter-Disciplinary Study of the Impact of Security Awareness Efforts on User Behavior

Given the diverse and complex nature of computer security, a natural response of the academic and industrial community has been to study how one can create technical solutions to the problem. Although the technical solutions to various problems can be quite effective, the underlying premise of many of the solutions is predicated upon an informed awareness of the user of the importance of avoiding risky behavior.


Visible to the public TC: Medium: Collaborative Research: User-Controllable Policy Learning

This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

(Public Law 111-5).

As both corporate and consumer-oriented applications introduce new functionality and increased levels of customization and delegation, they inevitably give rise to more complex security and privacy policies. Yet, studies have repeatedly shown that both lay and expert users are not good at configuring policies, rendering the human element an important, yet often overlooked source of vulnerability.


Visible to the public TC: Small: Online Privacy and Senior Citizens: A Socio-Technical Multi-Perspective Framework for Trustworthy Operations

This projects investigates the external and internal factors (e.g., demographic, personal, and psychological aspects) that impact senior citizens' online privacy behavior. The multi-perspective approach to address this question consists of surveys (standardized), intensive in-person interviews, focus groups, key stroke logging and log analysis and scenario based questionnaires to understand online privacy behavior and attitude.


Visible to the public TC: SMALL: Language Based Accountability

Distributed applications that require enforcement of fundamental authorization policies play an increasingly important role in internet and telecommunications infrastructure. Traditionally, controls are imposed before shared resources are accessed to ensure that authorization policies are respected. Recently, there has been great interest in the exploration of accountability mechanisms that rely on after-the-fact verification.


Visible to the public TC:Medium:Collaborative Research: Technological Support for Improving Election Processes

This project is developing and evaluating the application of iterative process improvement technology to assure the privacy, security, reliability, and trustworthiness of elections, which are the very cornerstone of democracy. The focus of the project is to locate mismatches between existing voting systems and the processes that are currently using them in the conduct of elections. These mismatches can result in vulnerabilities or inaccuracy in elections. This project demonstrates how to remediate such vulnerabilities through the use of iterative process improvement.


Visible to the public TC: Large: Trustworthy Information Systems for Healthcare (TISH)

This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).


Visible to the public TC: Medium: Collaborative Research: Novel Forensic Analysis for Crimes Involving Mobile Systems

Our project will significantly advance forensic methods of investigating mobile devices used for trafficking in digital contraband. While current methods and legislation focus heavily on logical identifiers, we will design, evaluate, and deploy new forensic techniques that focus on consistent and trackable characteristics of mobile computing. Additionally, our work will play an important role in understanding the limits of personal privacy in these settings.


Visible to the public TC: Large: Collaborative Research: 3Dsec: Trustworthy System Security through 3-D Integrated Hardware

While hardware resources for computation and data storage are now abundant, economic factors prevent specialized hardware security mechanisms from being integrated into commodity parts. System owners are caught between the need to exploit cheap, fast, commodity microprocessors and the need to ensure that critical security properties hold. This research will explore a novel way to augment commodity hardware after fabrication to enhance secure operation. The basic approach is to add a separate silicon layer, housing select security features, onto an existing integrated circuit.