
Applications of CPS technologies that involve communications systems.

Visible to the public The Fail Safe Operation of Collaborative Driving Systems


Vehicle automation has progressed from systems that monitor the operation of a vehicle, such as antilock brakes and cruise control, to systems that sense adgacent vehicles, such as emergency braking and intelligent cruise control. The next generation of systems will share sensor readings and collaborate to control braking operations by looking several cars ahead or by creating safe gaps for merging vehicles.


Visible to the public Delays, Clocks, Timing and Reliability in Networked Control Systems: Theories, Protocols and Implementations


Wireless networks are increasingly used in networked control systems. An important challenge is to provide delay guarantees for every packet in the system. In this work, we propose a framework for real-time wireless networks. The core of this framework is an analytical model that jointly considers several practical concerns that include the strict delay bound for each packet, the throughput requirement of each client, and the unreliable nature of wireless transmissions.