Systems Engineering

Designing and managing complex engineering projects over their life cycles.

Visible to the public Postdoctoral Positions at Virginia Tech

Postdoctoral Research Associates

ECE Department

Virginia Tech, USA


Visible to the public  PERSYVAL-Lab and NASA-JPL Summer School on CPS
Jul 07, 2014 8:00 am - Jul 11, 2014 5:00 pm CEST

PERSYVAL-Lab and NASA-JPL are organizing the second edition of the CPS Summer School. The broad objective of the CPS Summer School is to explore the manifold relationship between networked embedded systems (<< the internet of things >>) and humans as their creators, users, and subjects.


Visible to the public Call for Participation: Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems, GRENOBLE (FRANCE) JULY 7-11, 2014

PERSYVAL-Lab and NASA-JPL are organizing the second edition of the CPS Summer School. The broad objective of the CPS Summer School is to explore the manifold relationship between networked embedded systems (<< the internet of things >>) and humans as their creators, users, and subjects. The format of the Summer School is a five days meeting, organized around different aspects of rigorous engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems.


Visible to the public  2014 3PMCES Workshop
Mar 28, 2014 8:00 am - 5:00 pm CET

3PMCES - Performance, Power and Predictability of Many-Core Embedded Systems

DATE 2014 Friday Workshop

The scope of the workshop is to address challenges of embedded portable software development on multi-core structures related to various performance aspects, power efficiency, correctness and reliability including aging. The workshop will present the current state of these efforts, achieved results so far, and will devise future ways of potential further enhancements.


Visible to the public CfP Extended Deadline - MedicalCPS 2014

-- CALL FOR PAPERS -- Fifth Workshop on Medical Cyber Physical Systems (MedicalCPS'14) Medical Device Interoperability, Safety, and Security Assurance Location: Berlin, Germany Date: April 14th, 2014 The Medical CPS workshop provides a forum for the presentation of research and development covering all aspects of high integrity medical devices, software, and systems, which is essential to support innovative, networked medical device systems to improve safety and efficiency in health care.