Technology Transition


Visible to the public CAT Vehicle Testbed

BSD 2-Clause
The CAT Vehicle Testbed is a full sized Ford Escape which is available for control via ROS messaging.

The CAT Vehicle Testbed is a full sized Ford Escape which is available for control via ROS messaging. This group documents how to install simulation software to interact with the simulated testbed, instructions for how to interpret simulation data, and the limitations and capabilities of the simulator and the testbed.


Visible to the public DARPA C2M2L Program

Creative Commons 2.5
DARPA C2M2L Program

The trade space exploration and design analysis tools in META and the manufacturability feedback and foundry configuration tools in iFAB both require a comprehensive set of component, context, and manufacturing model libraries (C2M2L) as a foundation. The development of these libraries will enable designers to swiftly consider multiple design iterations and evaluate them in a semi-automated manner via the META and iFAB tool chains.


Visible to the public DARPA VehicleFORGE

Creative Commons 2.5

The VehicleFORGE platform is a web-based, collaborative design environment based loosely on the concept of modern day software 'forges' (e.g., SourceForge,, etc.). The purpose of VehicleFORGE within AVM is to provide a common platform for design event participants to team, collaborate and submit designs for testing. As such, it is also the portal for accessing META design tools, iFAB manufacturability tools, C2M2L models and generated system designs.


Visible to the public DARPA iFAB Program

Creative Commons 2.5
DARPA iFAB Program

The manufacture of complex cyber-physical systems is generally limited to two options: large scale manufacturing that is efficient at producing one known product quickly and repeatably, or prototype assembly of a single (or few) test article(s). Factories that do one generally cannot efficiently do the other - it is currently not possible to achieve efficient large-scale manufacturing that is also flexible. iFAB (instant Foundry, Adaptive through Bits) is an attempt to accomplish both in one manufacturing entity.


Visible to the public DARPA AVM Program

Creative Commons 2.5
The Adaptive Vehicle Make Research Program

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA) Adaptive Vehicle Make (AVM) portfolio of programs had a goal of compressing the development timelines for new complex cyber-physical systems by at least five-fold. With AVM, DARPA pursued the development of several elements of enabling infrastructure aimed at radically transforming the systems engineering / design / verification (META), manufacturing (iFAB), and collaborative innovation (VehicleFORGE) elements of the overall "make" process for modern defense systems. Each of these infrastructure capabilities was largely gen


Visible to the public DARPA META Program

Creative Commons 2.5

The goal of the META program is to substantially improve upon the existing systems engineering, integration, and testing process for defense systems. META is not predicated on one particular alternative approach, metric, technique, or tool.