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Neureiter, Christian, Eibl, Günther, Veichtlbauer, Armin, Engel, Dominik.  2013.  Towards a Framework for Engineering Smart-Grid-Specific Privacy Requirements. IECON 2013 - 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. :4803–4808.

Privacy has become a critical topic in the engineering of electric systems. This work proposes an approach for smart-grid-specific privacy requirements engineering by extending previous general privacy requirements engineering frameworks. The proposed extension goes one step further by focusing on privacy in the smart grid. An alignment of smart grid privacy requirements, dependability issues and privacy requirements engineering methods is presented. Starting from this alignment a Threat Tree Analysis is performed to obtain a first set of generic, high level privacy requirements. This set is formulated mostly on the data instead of the information level and provides the basis for further project-specific refinement.

Hassell, Suzanne, Beraud, Paul, Cruz, Alen, Ganga, Gangadhar, Martin, Steve, Toennies, Justin, Vazquez, Pablo, Wright, Gary, Gomez, Daniel, Pietryka, Frank et al..  2012.  Evaluating network cyber resiliency methods using cyber threat, Vulnerability and Defense Modeling and Simulation. MILCOM 2012 - 2012 IEEE Military Communications Conference. :1—6.
This paper describes a Cyber Threat, Vulnerability and Defense Modeling and Simulation tool kit used for evaluation of systems and networks to improve cyber resiliency. This capability is used to help increase the resiliency of networks at various stages of their lifecycle, from initial design and architecture through the operation of deployed systems and networks. Resiliency of computer systems and networks to cyber threats is facilitated by the modeling of agile and resilient defenses versus threats and running multiple simulations evaluated against resiliency metrics. This helps network designers, cyber analysts and Security Operations Center personnel to perform trades using what-if scenarios to select resiliency capabilities and optimally design and configure cyber resiliency capabilities for their systems and networks.
Wang, Yuying, Zhou, Xingshe, Liang, Dongfang.  2012.  Study on Integrated Modeling Methods toward Co-Simulation of Cyber-Physical System. 2012 IEEE 14th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communication 2012 IEEE 9th International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems. :1736–1740.
Cyber-physical systems are particularly difficult to model and simulate because their components mix many different system modalities. In this paper we address the main technical challenges on system simulation taking into account by new characters of CPS, and provide a comprehensive view of the simulation modeling methods for integration of continuous-discrete model. Regards to UML and Simulink, two most widely accepted modeling methods in industrial designs, we study on three methods to perform the cooperation of these two kinds of heterogeneous models for co-simulation. The solution of an implementation of co-simulation method for CPS was designed under three levels architecture.
Salehie, Mazeiar, Pasquale, Liliana, Omoronyia, Inah, Nuseibeh, Bashar.  2012.  Adaptive Security and Privacy in Smart Grids: A Software Engineering Vision. 2012 First International Workshop on Software Engineering Challenges for the Smart Grid (SE-SmartGrids). :46–49.

Despite the benefits offered by smart grids, energy producers, distributors and consumers are increasingly concerned about possible security and privacy threats. These threats typically manifest themselves at runtime as new usage scenarios arise and vulnerabilities are discovered. Adaptive security and privacy promise to address these threats by increasing awareness and automating prevention, detection and recovery from security and privacy requirements' failures at runtime by re-configuring system controls and perhaps even changing requirements. This paper discusses the need for adaptive security and privacy in smart grids by presenting some motivating scenarios. We then outline some research issues that arise in engineering adaptive security. We particularly scrutinize published reports by NIST on smart grid security and privacy as the basis for our discussions.

Farquharson, J., Wang, A., Howard, J..  2012.  Smart Grid Cyber Security and Substation Network Security. 2012 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT). :1–5.

A successful Smart Grid system requires purpose-built security architecture which is explicitly designed to protect customer data confidentiality. In addition to the investment on electric power infrastructure for protecting the privacy of Smart Grid-related data, entities need to actively participate in the NIST interoperability framework process; establish policies and oversight structure for the enforcement of cyber security controls of the data through adoption of security best practices, personnel training, cyber vulnerability assessments, and consumer privacy audits.

Junjie, Tang, Jianjun, Zhao, Jianwan, Ding, Liping, Chen, Gang, Xie, Bin, Gu, Mengfei, Yang.  2012.  Cyber-Physical Systems Modeling Method Based on Modelica. 2012 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Software Security and Reliability Companion. :188–191.
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) is an integration of computation with physical systems and physical processes. It is widely used in energy, health and other industrial areas. Modeling and simulation is of the greatest challenges in CPS research. Modelica has a great potentiality in the modeling and simulation of CPS. We analyze the characteristics and requirements of CPS modeling, and also the features of Modelica in the paper. In respect of information model, physical model and model interface, this paper introduces a unified modeling method for CPS, based on Modelica. The method provides a reliable foundation for the design, analysis and verification of CPS.
Yaseen, Q., Panda, B..  2012.  Tackling Insider Threat in Cloud Relational Databases. 2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing. :215—218.
Cloud security is one of the major issues that worry individuals and organizations about cloud computing. Therefore, defending cloud systems against attacks such asinsiders' attacks has become a key demand. This paper investigates insider threat in cloud relational database systems(cloud RDMS). It discusses some vulnerabilities in cloud computing structures that may enable insiders to launch attacks, and shows how load balancing across multiple availability zones may facilitate insider threat. To prevent such a threat, the paper suggests three models, which are Peer-to-Peer model, Centralized model and Mobile-Knowledgebase model, and addresses the conditions under which they work well.
Slavin, R., Hui Shen, Jianwei Niu.  2012.  Characterizations and boundaries of security requirements patterns. Requirements Patterns (RePa), 2012 IEEE Second International Workshop on. :48-53.

Very often in the software development life cycle, security is applied too late or important security aspects are overlooked. Although the use of security patterns is gaining popularity, the current state of security requirements patterns is such that there is not much in terms of a defining structure. To address this issue, we are working towards defining the important characteristics as well as the boundaries for security requirements patterns in order to make them more effective. By examining an existing general pattern format that describes how security patterns should be structured and comparing it to existing security requirements patterns, we are deriving characterizations and boundaries for security requirements patterns. From these attributes, we propose a defining format. We hope that these can reduce user effort in elicitation and specification of security requirements patterns.

Fhom, Hervais Simo, Bayarou, Kpatcha M..  2011.  Towards a Holistic Privacy Engineering Approach for Smart Grid Systems. 2011IEEE 10th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications. :234–241.

Protecting energy consumers's data and privacy is a key factor for the further adoption and diffusion of smart grid technologies and applications. However, current smart grid initiatives and implementations around the globe tend to either focus on the need for technical security to the detriment of privacy or consider privacy as a feature to add after system design. This paper aims to contribute towards filling the gap between this fact and the accepted wisdom that privacy concerns should be addressed as early as possible (preferably when modeling system's requirements). We present a methodological framework for tackling privacy concerns throughout all phases of the smart grid system development process. We describe methods and guiding principles to help smart grid engineers to elicit and analyze privacy threats and requirements from the outset of the system development, and derive the best suitable countermeasures, i.e. privacy enhancing technologies (PETs), accordingly. The paper also provides a summary of modern PETs, and discusses their context of use and contributions with respect to the underlying privacy engineering challenges and the smart grid setting being considered.

Chiang, M., Lau, S..  2011.  Automatic multiple faces tracking and detection using improved edge detector algorithm. 2011 7th International Conference on Information Technology in Asia. :1—5.

The automatic face tracking and detection has been one of the fastest developing areas due to its wide range of application, security and surveillance application in particular. It has been one of the most interest subjects, which suppose but yet to be wholly explored in various research areas due to various distinctive factors: varying ethnic groups, sizes, orientations, poses, occlusions and lighting conditions. The focus of this paper is to propose an improve algorithm to speed up the face tracking and detection process with the simple and efficient proposed novel edge detector to reject the non-face-likes regions, hence reduce the false detection rate in an automatic face tracking and detection in still images with multiple faces for facial expression system. The correct rates of 95.9% on the Haar face detection and proposed novel edge detector, which is higher 6.1% than the primitive integration of Haar and canny edge detector.

Chrysikos, T., Dagiuklas, T., Kotsopoulos, S..  2010.  Wireless Information-Theoretic Security for moving users in autonomic networks. 2010 IFIP Wireless Days. :1–5.
This paper studies Wireless Information-Theoretic Security for low-speed mobility in autonomic networks. More specifically, the impact of user movement on the Probability of Non-Zero Secrecy Capacity and Outage Secrecy Capacity for different channel conditions has been investigated. This is accomplished by establishing a link between different user locations and the boundaries of information-theoretic secure communication. Human mobility scenarios are considered, and its impact on physical layer security is examined, considering quasi-static Rayleigh channels for the fading phenomena. Simulation results have shown that the Secrecy Capacity depends on the relative distance of legitimate and illegitimate (eavesdropper) users in reference to the given transmitter.
Sarkar, M. Z. I., Ratnarajah, T..  2010.  Information-theoretic security in wireless multicasting. International Conference on Electrical Computer Engineering (ICECE 2010). :53–56.
In this paper, a wireless multicast scenario is considered in which the transmitter sends a common message to a group of client receivers through quasi-static Rayleigh fading channel in the presence of an eavesdropper. The communication between transmitter and each client receiver is said to be secured if the eavesdropper is unable to decode any information. On the basis of an information-theoretic formulation of the confidential communications between transmitter and a group of client receivers, we define the expected secrecy sum-mutual information in terms of secure outage probability and provide a complete characterization of maximum transmission rate at which the eavesdropper is unable to decode any information. Moreover, we find the probability of non-zero secrecy mutual information and present an analytical expression for ergodic secrecy multicast mutual information of the proposed model.
Zhang, T., Zhao, P..  2010.  Insider Threat Identification System Model Based on Rough Set Dimensionality Reduction. 2010 Second World Congress on Software Engineering. 2:111—114.
Insider threat makes great damage to the security of information system, traditional security methods are extremely difficult to work. Insider attack identification plays an important role in insider threat detection. Monitoring user's abnormal behavior is an effective method to detect impersonation, this method is applied to insider threat identification, to built user's behavior attribute information database based on weights changeable feedback tree augmented Bayes network, but data is massive, using the dimensionality reduction based on rough set, to establish the process information model of user's behavior attribute. Using the minimum risk Bayes decision can effectively identify the real identity of the user when user's behavior departs from the characteristic model.
Wang Xiao, Mi Hong, Wang Wei.  2010.  Inner edge detection of PET bottle opening based on the Balloon Snake. 2010 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computer Control. 4:56—59.

Edge detection of bottle opening is a primary section to the machine vision based bottle opening detection system. This paper, taking advantage of the Balloon Snake, on the PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) images sampled at rotating bottle-blowing machine producing pipelines, extracts the opening. It first uses the grayscale weighting average method to calculate the centroid as the initial position of Snake and then based on the energy minimal theory, it extracts the opening. Experiments show that compared with the conventional edge detection and center location methods, Balloon Snake is robust and can easily step over the weak noise points. Edge extracted thorough Balloon Snake is more integral and continuous which provides a guarantee to correctly judge the opening.

Zhang, H., Ma, J., Wang, Y., Pei, Q..  2009.  An Active Defense Model and Framework of Insider Threats Detection and Sense. 2009 Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security. 1:258—261.
Insider attacks is a well-known problem acknowledged as a threat as early as 1980s. The threat is attributed to legitimate users who take advantage of familiarity with the computational environment and abuse their privileges, can easily cause significant damage or losses. In this paper, we present an active defense model and framework of insider threat detection and sense. Firstly, we describe the hierarchical framework which deal with insider threat from several aspects, and subsequently, show a hierarchy-mapping based insider threats model, the kernel of the threats detection, sense and prediction. The experiments show that the model and framework could sense the insider threat in real-time effectively.
Bloch, M., Laneman, J. N..  2009.  Information-spectrum methods for information-theoretic security. 2009 Information Theory and Applications Workshop. :23–28.
We investigate the potential of an information-spectrum approach to information-theoretic security. We show how this approach provides conceptually simple yet powerful results that can be used to investigate complex communication scenarios. In particular, we illustrate the usefulness of information-spectrum methods by analyzing the effect of channel state information (CSI) on the secure rates achievable over wiretap channels. We establish a formula for secrecy capacity, which we then specialize to compute achievable rates for ergodic fading channels in the presence of imperfect CSI. Our results confirm the importance of having some knowledge about the eavesdropper's channel, but also show that imperfect CSI does not necessarily preclude security.
Wang, R., Li, L., Hong, W., Yang, N..  2009.  A THz Image Edge Detection Method Based on Wavelet and Neural Network. 2009 Ninth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems. 3:420—424.

A THz image edge detection approach based on wavelet and neural network is proposed in this paper. First, the source image is decomposed by wavelet, the edges in the low-frequency sub-image are detected using neural network method and the edges in the high-frequency sub-images are detected using wavelet transform method on the coarsest level of the wavelet decomposition, the two edge images are fused according to some fusion rules to obtain the edge image of this level, it then is projected to the next level. Afterwards the final edge image of L-1 level is got according to some fusion rule. This process is repeated until reaching the 0 level thus to get the final integrated and clear edge image. The experimental results show that our approach based on fusion technique is superior to Canny operator method and wavelet transform method alone.

Li, W., Li, L..  2009.  A Novel Approach for Vehicle-logo Location Based on Edge Detection and Morphological Filter. 2009 Second International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security. 1:343—345.

Vehicle-logo location is a crucial step in vehicle-logo recognition system. In this paper, a novel approach of the vehicle-logo location based on edge detection and morphological filter is proposed. Firstly, the approximate location of the vehicle-logo region is determined by the prior knowledge about the position of the vehicle-logo; Secondly, the texture measure is defined to recognize the texture of the vehicle-logo background; Then, vertical edge detection is executed for the vehicle-logo background with the horizontal texture and horizontal edge detection is implemented for the vehicle-logo background with the vertical texture; Finally, position of the vehicle-logo is located accurately by mathematical morphology filter. Experimental results show the proposed method is effective.

Vyetrenko, S., Khosla, A., Ho, T..  2009.  On combining information-theoretic and cryptographic approaches to network coding security against the pollution attack. 2009 Conference Record of the Forty-Third Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers. :788–792.
In this paper we consider the pollution attack in network coded systems where network nodes are computationally limited. We consider the combined use of cryptographic signature based security and information theoretic network error correction and propose a fountain-like network error correction code construction suitable for this purpose.
Liu, C., Feng, Y., Fan, M., Wang, G..  2008.  PKI Mesh Trust Model Based on Trusted Computing. 2008 The 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists. :1401–1405.

Different organizations or countries maybe adopt different PKI trust model in real applications. On a large scale, all certification authorities (CA) and end entities construct a huge mesh network. PKI trust model exhibits unstructured mesh network as a whole. However, mesh trust model worsens computational complexity in certification path processing when the number of PKI domains increases. This paper proposes an enhanced mesh trust model for PKI. Keys generation and signature are fulfilled in Trusted Platform Module (TPM) for higher security level. An algorithm is suggested to improve the performance of certification path processing in this model. This trust model is less complex but more efficient and robust than the existing PKI trust models.

Bloch, M., Barros, J., Rodrigues, M. R. D., McLaughlin, S. W..  2008.  Wireless Information-Theoretic Security. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 54:2515–2534.
This paper considers the transmission of confidential data over wireless channels. Based on an information-theoretic formulation of the problem, in which two legitimates partners communicate over a quasi-static fading channel and an eavesdropper observes their transmissions through a second independent quasi-static fading channel, the important role of fading is characterized in terms of average secure communication rates and outage probability. Based on the insights from this analysis, a practical secure communication protocol is developed, which uses a four-step procedure to ensure wireless information-theoretic security: (i) common randomness via opportunistic transmission, (ii) message reconciliation, (iii) common key generation via privacy amplification, and (iv) message protection with a secret key. A reconciliation procedure based on multilevel coding and optimized low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes is introduced, which allows to achieve communication rates close to the fundamental security limits in several relevant instances. Finally, a set of metrics for assessing average secure key generation rates is established, and it is shown that the protocol is effective in secure key renewal-even in the presence of imperfect channel state information.
Sekine, Junko, Campos-Náñnez, Enrique, Harrald, John R., Abeledo, Hernán.  2006.  A Simulation-Based Approach to Trade-off Analysis of Port Security. Proceedings of the 38th Conference on Winter Simulation. :521–528.

Motivated by the September 11 attacks, we are addressing the problem of policy analysis of supply-chain security. Considering the potential economic and operational impacts of inspection together with the inherent difficulty of assigning a reasonable cost to an inspection failure call for a policy analysis methodology in which stakeholders can understand the trade-offs between the diverse and potentially conflicting objectives. To obtain this information, we used a simulation-based methodology to characterize the set of Pareto optimal solutions with respect to the multiple objectives represented in the decision problem. Our methodology relies on simulation and the response surface method (RSM) to model the relationships between inspection policies and relevant stakeholder objectives in order to construct a set of Pareto optimal solutions. The approach is illustrated with an application to a real-world supply chain.

Imai, H., Hanaoka, G., Shikata, J., Otsuka, A., Nascimento, A. C..  2002.  Cryptography with information theoretic security. Proceedings of the IEEE Information Theory Workshop. :73–.
Summary form only given. We discuss information-theoretic methods to prove the security of cryptosystems. We study what is called, unconditionally secure (or information-theoretically secure) cryptographic schemes in search for a system that can provide long-term security and that does not impose limits on the adversary's computational power.
Amoroso, E., Merritt, M..  1994.  Composing system integrity using I/O automata. Tenth Annual Computer Security Applications Conference. :34—43.
The I/O automata model of Lynch and Turtle (1987) is summarized and used to formalize several types of system integrity based on the control of transitions to invalid starts. Type-A integrity is exhibited by systems with no invalid initial states and that disallow transitions from valid reachable to invalid states. Type-B integrity is exhibited by systems that disallow externally-controlled transitions from valid reachable to invalid states, Type-C integrity is exhibited by systems that allow locally-controlled or externally-controlled transitions from reachable to invalid states. Strict-B integrity is exhibited by systems that are Type-B but not Type-A. Strict-C integrity is exhibited by systems that are Type-C but not Type-B. Basic results on the closure properties that hold under composition of systems exhibiting these types of integrity are presented in I/O automata-theoretic terms. Specifically, Type-A, Type-B, and Type-C integrity are shown to be composable, whereas Strict-B and Strict-C integrity are shown to not be generally composable. The integrity definitions and compositional results are illustrated using the familiar vending machine example specified as an I/O automaton and composed with a customer environment. The implications of the integrity definitions and compositional results on practical system design are discussed and a research plan for future work is outlined.