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W. Guibene, K. E. Nolan, M. Y. Kelly.  2015.  "Survey on Clean Slate Cellular-IoT Standard Proposals". 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology; Ubiquitous Computing and Communications; Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing; Pervasive Intelligence and Computing. :1596-1599.

In this paper we investigate the proposals made by various industries for the Cellular Internet of Things (C-IoT). We start by introducing the context of C-IoT and demonstrate how this technology is closely linked to the Low Power-Wide Area (LPWA) technologies and networks. An in-depth look and system level evaluation is given for each clean slate technology and a comparison is made based on its specifications.

W. Guibene, K. E. Nolan, M. Y. Kelly.  2015.  "Survey on Clean Slate Cellular-IoT Standard Proposals". 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology; Ubiquitous Computing and Communications; Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing; Pervasive Intelligence and Computing. :1596-1599.

In this paper we investigate the proposals made by various industries for the Cellular Internet of Things (C-IoT). We start by introducing the context of C-IoT and demonstrate how this technology is closely linked to the Low Power-Wide Area (LPWA) technologies and networks. An in-depth look and system level evaluation is given for each clean slate technology and a comparison is made based on its specifications.

Tunc, C., Hariri, S., Montero, F. D. L. P., Fargo, F., Satam, P., Al-Nashif, Y..  2015.  Teaching and Training Cybersecurity as a Cloud Service. 2015 International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing. :302–308.

The explosive growth of IT infrastructures, cloud systems, and Internet of Things (IoT) have resulted in complex systems that are extremely difficult to secure and protect against cyberattacks which are growing exponentially in complexity and in number. Overcoming the cybersecurity challenges is even more complicated due to the lack of training and widely available cybersecurity environments to experiment with and evaluate new cybersecurity methods. The goal of our research is to address these challenges by exploiting cloud services. In this paper, we present the design, analysis, and evaluation of a cloud service that we refer to as Cybersecurity Lab as a Service (CLaaS) which offers virtual cybersecurity experiments that can be accessed from anywhere and from any device (desktop, laptop, tablet, smart mobile device, etc.) with Internet connectivity. In CLaaS, we exploit cloud computing systems and virtualization technologies to provide virtual cybersecurity experiments and hands-on experiences on how vulnerabilities are exploited to launch cyberattacks, how they can be removed, and how cyber resources and services can be hardened or better protected. We also present our experimental results and evaluation of CLaaS virtual cybersecurity experiments that have been used by graduate students taking our cybersecurity class as well as by high school students participating in GenCyber camps.

Pawlowski, M.P., Jara, A.J., Ogorzalek, M.J..  2014.  Extending Extensible Authentication Protocol over IEEE 802.15.4 Networks. Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS), 2014 Eighth International Conference on. :340-345.

Internet into our physical world and making it present everywhere. This evolution is also raising challenges in issues such as privacy, and security. For that reason, this work is focused on the integration and lightweight adaptation of existing authentication protocols, which are able also to offer authorization and access control functionalities. In particular, this work is focused on the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP). EAP is widely used protocol for access control in local area networks such Wireless (802.11) and wired (802.3). This work presents an integration of the EAP frame into IEEE 802.15.4 frames, demonstrating that EAP protocol and some of its mechanisms are feasible to be applied in constrained devices, such as the devices that are populating the IoT networks.

Cardoso, L.S., Massouri, A., Guillon, B., Ferrand, P., Hutu, F., Villemaud, G., Risset, T., Gorce, J.-M..  2014.  CorteXlab: A facility for testing cognitive radio networks in a reproducible environment. Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CROWNCOM), 2014 9th International Conference on. :503-507.

While many theoretical and simulation works have highlighted the potential gains of cognitive radio, several technical issues still need to be evaluated from an experimental point of view. Deploying complex heterogeneous system scenarios is tedious, time consuming and hardly reproducible. To address this problem, we have developed a new experimental facility, called CorteXlab, that allows complex multi-node cognitive radio scenarios to be easily deployed and tested by anyone in the world. Our objective is not to design new software defined radio (SDR) nodes, but rather to provide a comprehensive access to a large set of high performance SDR nodes. The CorteXlab facility offers a 167 m2 electromagnetically (EM) shielded room and integrates a set of 24 universal software radio peripherals (USRPs) from National Instruments, 18 PicoSDR nodes from Nutaq and 42 IoT-Lab wireless sensor nodes from Hikob. CorteXlab is built upon the foundations of the SensLAB testbed and is based the free and open-source toolkit GNU Radio. Automation in scenario deployment, experiment start, stop and results collection is performed by an experiment controller, called Minus. CorteXlab is in its final stages of development and is already capable of running test scenarios. In this contribution, we show that CorteXlab is able to easily cope with the usual issues faced by other testbeds providing a reproducible experiment environment for CR experimentation.

Hummen, R., Shafagh, H., Raza, S., Voig, T., Wehrle, K..  2014.  Delegation-based authentication and authorization for the IP-based Internet of Things. Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON), 2014 Eleventh Annual IEEE International Conference on. :284-292.

IP technology for resource-constrained devices enables transparent end-to-end connections between a vast variety of devices and services in the Internet of Things (IoT). To protect these connections, several variants of traditional IP security protocols have recently been proposed for standardization, most notably the DTLS protocol. In this paper, we identify significant resource requirements for the DTLS handshake when employing public-key cryptography for peer authentication and key agreement purposes. These overheads particularly hamper secure communication for memory-constrained devices. To alleviate these limitations, we propose a delegation architecture that offloads the expensive DTLS connection establishment to a delegation server. By handing over the established security context to the constrained device, our delegation architecture significantly reduces the resource requirements of DTLS-protected communication for constrained devices. Additionally, our delegation architecture naturally provides authorization functionality when leveraging the central role of the delegation server in the initial connection establishment. Hence, in this paper, we present a comprehensive, yet compact solution for authentication, authorization, and secure data transmission in the IP-based IoT. The evaluation results show that compared to a public-key-based DTLS handshake our delegation architecture reduces the memory overhead by 64 %, computations by 97 %, network transmissions by 68 %.

Severi, S., Sottile, F., Abreu, G., Pastrone, C., Spirito, M., Berens, F..  2014.  M2M technologies: Enablers for a pervasive Internet of Things. Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 2014 European Conference on. :1-5.

We survey the state-of-the-art on the Internet-of-Things (IoT) from a wireless communications point of view, as a result of the European FP7 project BUTLER which has its focus on pervasiveness, context-awareness and security for IoT. In particular, we describe the efforts to develop so-called (wireless) enabling technologies, aimed at circumventing the many challenges involved in extending the current set of domains (“verticals”) of IoT applications towards a “horizontal” (i.e. integrated) vision of the IoT. We start by illustrating current research effort in machine-to-machine (M2M), which is mainly focused on vertical domains, and we discuss some of them in details, depicting then the necessary horizontal vision for the future intelligent daily routine (“Smart Life”). We then describe the technical features of the most relevant heterogeneous communications technologies on which the IoT relies, under the light of the on-going M2M service layer standardization. Finally we identify and present the key aspects, within three major cross-vertical categories, under which M2M technologies can function as enablers for the horizontal vision of the IoT.

Cerqueira Ferreira, H.G., De Sousa, R.T., Gomes de Deus, F.E., Dias Canedo, E..  2014.  Proposal of a secure, deployable and transparent middleware for Internet of Things. Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2014 9th Iberian Conference on. :1-4.

This paper proposes a security architecture for an IoT transparent middleware. Focused on bringing real life objects to the virtual realm, the proposed architecture is deployable and comprises protection measures based on existent technologies for security such as AES, TLS and oAuth. This way, privacy, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality on data exchange services are integrated to provide security for generated smart objects and for involved users and services in a reliable and deployable manner.

Friese, I., Heuer, J., Ning Kong.  2014.  Challenges from the Identities of Things: Introduction of the Identities of Things discussion group within Kantara initiative. Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 2014 IEEE World Forum on. :1-4.

The Internet of Things (IoT) becomes reality. But its restrictions become obvious as we try to connect solutions of different vendors and communities. Apart from communication protocols appropriate identity management mechanisms are crucial for a growing IoT. The recently founded Identities of Things Discussion Group within Kantara Initiative will work on open issues and solutions to manage “Identities of Things” as an enabler for a fast-growing ecosystem.

Skarmeta, A.F., Hernández-Ramos, J.L., Moreno, M.V..  2014.  A decentralized approach for security and privacy challenges in the Internet of Things. Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 2014 IEEE World Forum on. :67-72.

The strong development of the Internet of Things (IoT) is dramatically changing traditional perceptions of the current Internet towards an integrated vision of smart objects interacting with each other. While in recent years many technological challenges have already been solved through the extension and adaptation of wireless technologies, security and privacy still remain as the main barriers for the IoT deployment on a broad scale. In this emerging paradigm, typical scenarios manage particularly sensitive data, and any leakage of information could severely damage the privacy of users. This paper provides a concise description of some of the major challenges related to these areas that still need to be overcome in the coming years for a full acceptance of all IoT stakeholders involved. In addition, we propose a distributed capability-based access control mechanism which is built on public key cryptography in order to cope with some of these challenges. Specifically, our solution is based on the design of a lightweight token used for access to CoAP Resources, and an optimized implementation of the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) inside the smart object. The results obtained from our experiments demonstrate the feasibility of the proposal and show promising in order to cover more complex scenarios in the future, as well as its application in specific IoT use cases.

Bovet, G., Hennebert, J..  2014.  Distributed Semantic Discovery for Web-of-Things Enabled Smart Buildings. New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), 2014 6th International Conference on. :1-5.

Nowadays, our surrounding environment is more and more scattered with various types of sensors. Due to their intrinsic properties and representation formats, they form small islands isolated from each other. In order to increase interoperability and release their full capabilities, we propose to represent devices descriptions including data and service invocation with a common model allowing to compose mashups of heterogeneous sensors. Pushing this paradigm further, we also propose to augment service descriptions with a discovery protocol easing automatic assimilation of knowledge. In this work, we describe the architecture supporting what can be called a Semantic Sensor Web-of-Things. As proof of concept, we apply our proposal to the domain of smart buildings, composing a novel ontology covering heterogeneous sensing, actuation and service invocation. Our architecture also emphasizes on the energetic aspect and is optimized for constrained environments.

Biswas, A.R., Giaffreda, R..  2014.  IoT and cloud convergence: Opportunities and challenges. Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 2014 IEEE World Forum on. :375-376.

The success of the IoT world requires service provision attributed with ubiquity, reliability, high-performance, efficiency, and scalability. In order to accomplish this attribution, future business and research vision is to merge the Cloud Computing and IoT concepts, i.e., enable an “Everything as a Service” model: specifically, a Cloud ecosystem, encompassing novel functionality and cognitive-IoT capabilities, will be provided. Hence the paper will describe an innovative IoT centric Cloud smart infrastructure addressing individual IoT and Cloud Computing challenges.

Leong, P., Liming Lu.  2014.  Multiagent Web for the Internet of Things. Information Science and Applications (ICISA), 2014 International Conference on. :1-4.

The Internet of Things (IOT) is a network of networks where massively large numbers of objects or things are interconnected to each other through the network. The Internet of Things brings along many new possibilities of applications to improve human comfort and quality of life. Complex systems such as the Internet of Things are difficult to manage because of the emergent behaviours that arise from the complex interactions between its constituent parts. Our key contribution in the paper is a proposed multiagent web for the Internet of Things. Corresponding data management architecture is also proposed. The multiagent architecture provides autonomic characteristics for IOT making the IOT manageable. In addition, the multiagent web allows for flexible processing on heterogeneous platforms as we leverage off web protocols such as HTTP and language independent data formats such as JSON for communications between agents. The architecture we proposed enables a scalable architecture and infrastructure for a web-scale multiagent Internet of Things.

Cherkaoui, A., Bossuet, L., Seitz, L., Selander, G., Borgaonkar, R..  2014.  New paradigms for access control in constrained environments. Reconfigurable and Communication-Centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC), 2014 9th International Symposium on. :1-4.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is here, more than 10 billion units are already connected and five times more devices are expected to be deployed in the next five years. Technological standarization and the management and fostering of rapid innovation by governments are among the main challenges of the IoT. However, security and privacy are the key to make the IoT reliable and trusted. Security mechanisms for the IoT should provide features such as scalability, interoperability and lightness. This paper addresses authentication and access control in the frame of the IoT. It presents Physical Unclonable Functions (PUF), which can provide cheap, secure, tamper-proof secret keys to authentify constrained M2M devices. To be successfully used in the IoT context, this technology needs to be embedded in a standardized identity and access management framework. On the other hand, Embedded Subscriber Identity Module (eSIM) can provide cellular connectivity with scalability, interoperability and standard compliant security protocols. The paper discusses an authorization scheme for a constrained resource server taking advantage of PUF and eSIM features. Concrete IoT uses cases are discussed (SCADA and building automation).

Shafagh, H., Hithnawi, A..  2014.  Poster Abstract: Security Comes First, a Public-key Cryptography Framework for the Internet of Things. Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. :135-136.

Novel Internet services are emerging around an increasing number of sensors and actuators in our surroundings, commonly referred to as smart devices. Smart devices, which form the backbone of the Internet of Things (IoT), enable alternative forms of user experience by means of automation, convenience, and efficiency. At the same time new security and safety issues arise, given the Internet-connectivity and the interaction possibility of smart devices with human's proximate living space. Hence, security is a fundamental requirement of the IoT design. In order to remain interoperable with the existing infrastructure, we postulate a security framework compatible to standard IP-based security solutions, yet optimized to meet the constraints of the IoT ecosystem. In this ongoing work, we first identify necessary components of an interoperable secure End-to-End communication while incorporating Public-key Cryptography (PKC). To this end, we tackle involved computational and communication overheads. The required components on the hardware side are the affordable hardware acceleration engines for cryptographic operations and on the software side header compression and long-lasting secure sessions. In future work, we focus on integration of these components into a framework and the evaluation of an early prototype of this framework.

Shafagh, H., Hithnawi, A..  2014.  Poster Abstract: Security Comes First, a Public-key Cryptography Framework for the Internet of Things. Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. :135-136.

Novel Internet services are emerging around an increasing number of sensors and actuators in our surroundings, commonly referred to as smart devices. Smart devices, which form the backbone of the Internet of Things (IoT), enable alternative forms of user experience by means of automation, convenience, and efficiency. At the same time new security and safety issues arise, given the Internet-connectivity and the interaction possibility of smart devices with human's proximate living space. Hence, security is a fundamental requirement of the IoT design. In order to remain interoperable with the existing infrastructure, we postulate a security framework compatible to standard IP-based security solutions, yet optimized to meet the constraints of the IoT ecosystem. In this ongoing work, we first identify necessary components of an interoperable secure End-to-End communication while incorporating Public-key Cryptography (PKC). To this end, we tackle involved computational and communication overheads. The required components on the hardware side are the affordable hardware acceleration engines for cryptographic operations and on the software side header compression and long-lasting secure sessions. In future work, we focus on integration of these components into a framework and the evaluation of an early prototype of this framework.

Nitti, M., Girau, R., Atzori, L..  2014.  Trustworthiness Management in the Social Internet of Things. Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 26:1253-1266.

The integration of social networking concepts into the Internet of things has led to the Social Internet of Things (SIoT) paradigm, according to which objects are capable of establishing social relationships in an autonomous way with respect to their owners with the benefits of improving the network scalability in information/service discovery. Within this scenario, we focus on the problem of understanding how the information provided by members of the social IoT has to be processed so as to build a reliable system on the basis of the behavior of the objects. We define two models for trustworthiness management starting from the solutions proposed for P2P and social networks. In the subjective model each node computes the trustworthiness of its friends on the basis of its own experience and on the opinion of the friends in common with the potential service providers. In the objective model, the information about each node is distributed and stored making use of a distributed hash table structure so that any node can make use of the same information. Simulations show how the proposed models can effectively isolate almost any malicious nodes in the network at the expenses of an increase in the network traffic for feedback exchange.

Gerdes, S., Bergmann, O., Bormann, C..  2014.  Delegated Authenticated Authorization for Constrained Environments. Network Protocols (ICNP), 2014 IEEE 22nd International Conference on. :654-659.

Smart objects are small devices with limited system resources, typically made to fulfill a single simple task. By connecting smart objects and thus forming an Internet of Things, the devices can interact with each other and their users and support a new range of applications. Due to the limitations of smart objects, common security mechanisms are not easily applicable. Small message sizes and the lack of processing power severely limit the devices' ability to perform cryptographic operations. This paper introduces a protocol for delegating client authentication and authorization in a constrained environment. The protocol describes how to establish a secure channel based on symmetric cryptography between resource-constrained nodes in a cross-domain setting. A resource-constrained node can use this protocol to delegate authentication of communication peers and management of authorization information to a trusted host with less severe limitations regarding processing power and memory.

van Thuan, D., Butkus, P., van Thanh, D..  2014.  A User Centric Identity Management for Internet of Things. IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS), 2014 International Conference on. :1-4.

In the future Internet of Things, it is envisioned that things are collaborating to serve people. Unfortunately, this vision could not be realised without relations between things and people. To solve the problem this paper proposes a user centric identity management system that incorporates user identity, device identity and the relations between them. The proposed IDM system is user centric and allows device authentication and authorization based on the user identity. A typical compelling use case of the proposed solution is also given.

Jan, M.A., Nanda, P., Xiangjian He, Zhiyuan Tan, Ren Ping Liu.  2014.  A Robust Authentication Scheme for Observing Resources in the Internet of Things Environment. Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 2014 IEEE 13th International Conference on. :205-211.

The Internet of Things is a vision that broadens the scope of the internet by incorporating physical objects to identify themselves to the participating entities. This innovative concept enables a physical device to represent itself in the digital world. There are a lot of speculations and future forecasts about the Internet of Things devices. However, most of them are vendor specific and lack a unified standard, which renders their seamless integration and interoperable operations. Another major concern is the lack of security features in these devices and their corresponding products. Most of them are resource-starved and unable to support computationally complex and resource consuming secure algorithms. In this paper, we have proposed a lightweight mutual authentication scheme which validates the identities of the participating devices before engaging them in communication for the resource observation. Our scheme incurs less connection overhead and provides a robust defence solution to combat various types of attacks.

Kounelis, I., Baldini, G., Neisse, R., Steri, G., Tallacchini, M., Guimaraes Pereira, A..  2014.  Building Trust in the Human?Internet of Things Relationship Technology and Society Magazine, IEEE. 33:73-80.

Our vision in this paper is that agency, as the individual ability to intervene and tailor the system, is a crucial element in building trust in IoT technologies. Following up on this vision, we will first address the issue of agency, namely the individual capability to adopt free decisions, as a relevant driver in building trusted human-IoT relations, and how agency should be embedded in digital systems. Then we present the main challenges posed by existing approaches to implement this vision. We show then our proposal for a model-based approach that realizes the agency concept, including a prototype implementation.