Visible to the public Securing Hadoop in Cloud

TitleSecuring Hadoop in Cloud
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsYu, Xianqing, Ning, Peng, Vouk, Mladen A.
Conference NameProceedings of the 2014 Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security
Conference LocationRaleigh, NC, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-2907-1
KeywordsACM CCS, cloud, Control, cryptography, cyber security, Foundations, Hadoop, Key Management, lack of fine-grained access control, Operating Systems Security, overloaded authentication key, science of security, security, Systems Security, Virtualization and Security

Hadoop is a map-reduce implementation that rapidly processes data in parallel. Cloud provides reliability, flexibility, scalability, elasticity and cost saving to customers. Moving Hadoop into Cloud can be beneficial to Hadoop users. However, Hadoop has two vulnerabilities that can dramatically impact its security in a Cloud. The vulnerabilities are its overloaded authentication key, and the lack of fine-grained access control at the data access level. We propose and develop a security enhancement for Cloud-based Hadoop.

Citation KeyYu:2014:SHC:2600176.2600202