Visible to the public An external archive guided multiobjective evolutionary approach based on decomposition for continuous optimization

TitleAn external archive guided multiobjective evolutionary approach based on decomposition for continuous optimization
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsYexing Li, Xinye Cai, Zhun Fan, Qingfu Zhang
Conference NameEvolutionary Computation (CEC), 2014 IEEE Congress on
Date PublishedJuly
KeywordsBenchmark testing, continuous optimization problem, decomposition based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm, Educational institutions, evolutionary computation, evolutionary search process, external archive guided multiobjective evolutionary approach, information extracts, learning (artificial intelligence), learning information, Learning systems, optimisation, Optimization, search problems, Sociology, Statistics, Vectors

In this paper, we propose a decomposition based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm that extracts information from an external archive to guide the evolutionary search for continuous optimization problem. The proposed algorithm used a mechanism to identify the promising regions(subproblems) through learning information from the external archive to guide evolutionary search process. In order to demonstrate the performance of the algorithm, we conduct experiments to compare it with other decomposition based approaches. The results validate that our proposed algorithm is very competitive.

Citation Key6900340