Visible to the public Con-Resistant Trust for Improved Reliability in a Smart-Grid Special Protection System

TitleCon-Resistant Trust for Improved Reliability in a Smart-Grid Special Protection System
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsShipman, C.M., Hopkinson, K.M., Lopez, J.
JournalPower Delivery, IEEE Transactions on
Date PublishedFeb
KeywordsCon-resistant trust, con-resistant trust mechanism, critical infrastructure, frequency readings, Generators, Government, improved reliability, Load modeling, malfunctioning protection system, malicious protection system, modern information technology, Peer-to-peer computing, Power system protection, power system reliability, reputation-based trust, Resistance, situational awareness, Smart grid, Smart grids, smart power grids, special protection system, special protection systems, statistical analysis, Time-frequency Analysis, trust assessments, untrustworthy protection system, variance statistical model

This paper applies a con-resistant trust mechanism to improve the performance of a communications-based special protection system to enhance its effectiveness and resiliency. Smart grids incorporate modern information technologies to increase reliability and efficiency through better situational awareness. However, with the benefits of this new technology come the added risks associated with threats and vulnerabilities to the technology and to the critical infrastructure it supports. The research in this paper uses con-resistant trust to quickly identify malicious or malfunctioning (untrustworthy) protection system nodes to mitigate instabilities. The con-resistant trust mechanism allows protection system nodes to make trust assessments based on the node's cooperative and defective behaviors. These behaviors are observed via frequency readings which are prediodically reported. The trust architecture is tested in experiments by comparing a simulated special protection system with a con-resistant trust mechanism to one without the mechanism via an analysis of the variance statistical model. Simulation results show promise for the proposed con-resistant trust mechanism.

Citation Key6898851