Visible to the public Impacts of unreliable communication and regret matching based anti-jamming approach in smart grid

TitleImpacts of unreliable communication and regret matching based anti-jamming approach in smart grid
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsBo Chai, Zaiyue Yang, Jiming Chen
Conference NameInnovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), 2014 IEEE PES
Date PublishedFeb
KeywordsAlgorithm design and analysis, antijamming attack approach, Cognitive radio, communication channel, demand response management, DRM, Educational institutions, Games, jamming, jamming attack, power system management, regret matching, Smart grid, Smart grids, smart power grids, unreliable wireless communication, wireless channels

Demand response management (DRM) is one of the main features in smart grid, which is realized via communications between power providers and consumers. Due to the vulnerabilities of communication channels, communication is not perfect in practice and will be threatened by jamming attack. In this paper, we consider jamming attack in the wireless communication for smart grid. Firstly, the DRM performance degradation introduced by unreliable communication is fully studied. Secondly, a regret matching based anti-jamming algorithm is proposed to enhance the performance of communication and DRM. Finally, numerical results are presented to illustrate the impacts of unreliable communication on DRM and the performance of the proposed anti-jamming algorithm.

Citation Key6816472