Visible to the public Implementation of steganography using LSB with encrypted and compressed text using TEA-LZW on Android

TitleImplementation of steganography using LSB with encrypted and compressed text using TEA-LZW on Android
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsPutra, M.S.A., Budiman, G., Novamizanti, L.
Conference NameComputer, Control, Informatics and Its Applications (IC3INA), 2014 International Conference on
Date PublishedOct
Keywordsandroid, Android (operating system), compressed text, Compression, cryptography, data compression, Dictionaries, encrypted text, Encryption, Image coding, Image resolution, Indexes, least significant bit, Lempel-Zev-Welch technique, lossless compression technique, LSB, LSB steganography, LZW, mobile device, private key cryptography, PSNR, security, smart phones, steganography, TEA, TEA-LZW, tiny encryption algorithm

The development of data communications enabling the exchange of information via mobile devices more easily. Security in the exchange of information on mobile devices is very important. One of the weaknesses in steganography is the capacity of data that can be inserted. With compression, the size of the data will be reduced. In this paper, designed a system application on the Android platform with the implementation of LSB steganography and cryptography using TEA to the security of a text message. The size of this text message may be reduced by performing lossless compression technique using LZW method. The advantages of this method is can provide double security and more messages to be inserted, so it is expected be a good way to exchange information data. The system is able to perform the compression process with an average ratio of 67.42 %. Modified TEA algorithm resulting average value of avalanche effect 53.8%. Average result PSNR of stego image 70.44 dB. As well as average MOS values is 4.8.

Citation Key7042607