Visible to the public A MIMO cross-layer precoding security communication system

TitleA MIMO cross-layer precoding security communication system
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsJie Tang, Huan Huan Song, Fei Pan, Hong Wen, Bin Wu, Yixin Jiang, Xiaobin Guo, Zhen Chen
Conference NameCommunications and Network Security (CNS), 2014 IEEE Conference on
Date PublishedOct
KeywordsBit error rate, cryptography, CSI, eavesdropper's channel, Educational institutions, higher layer cryptography, MIMO, MIMO communication, MIMO cross-layer precoding secure communications, MIMO cross-layer precoding security communication system, modulation, Physical layer, physical layer security cross-layer security, physical layer security system, precoding, random array, security, telecommunication security, upper layer

This paper proposed a MIMO cross-layer precoding secure communications via pattern controlled by higher layer cryptography. By contrast to physical layer security system, the proposed scheme could enhance the security in adverse situations where the physical layer security hardly to be deal with. Two One typical situation is considered. One is that the attackers have the ideal CSI and another is eavesdropper's channel are highly correlated to legitimate channel. Our scheme integrates the upper layer with physical layer secure together to gaurantee the security in real communication system. Extensive theoretical analysis and simulations are conducted to demonstrate its effectiveness. The proposed method is feasible to spread in many other communicate scenarios.

Citation Key6997524