Visible to the public A survey of Internet security risk over social networks

TitleA survey of Internet security risk over social networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsOweis, N.E., Owais, S.S., Alrababa, M.A., Alansari, M., Oweis, W.G.
Conference NameComputer Science and Information Technology (CSIT), 2014 6th International Conference on
Date PublishedMarch
Keywordscivil society, Communities, Computers, crimes social networking, dangers to society, Educational institutions, geography climate, global economy, hackers, Internet, Internet risks, Internet security risk, Organizations, risk management, rural community, security, security of data, social network, Social network services, social networking (online), social networking integration, social networks, social risks

The Communities vary from country to country. There are civil societies and rural communities, which also differ in terms of geography climate and economy. This shows that the use of social networks vary from region to region depending on the demographics of the communities. So, in this paper, we researched the most important problems of the Social Network, as well as the risk which is based on the human elements. We raised the problems of social networks in the transformation of societies to another affected by the global economy. The social networking integration needs to strengthen social ties that lead to the existence of these problems. For this we focused on the Internet security risks over the social networks. And study on Risk Management, and then look at resolving various problems that occur from the use of social networks.

Citation Key6805970