Visible to the public Global convergence in digital identity and attribute management: Emerging needs for standardization

TitleGlobal convergence in digital identity and attribute management: Emerging needs for standardization
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsTalamo, M., Barchiesi, M.L., Merella, D., Schunck, C.H.
Conference NameITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference: Living in a converged world - Impossible without standards?, Proceedings of the 2014
Date PublishedJune
Keywordsattribute format, attribute management, authentication, authorisation, Authorization, Context, data privacy, digital identification, digital identity management, Educational institutions, global convergence, Identity management, privacy, privacy maintaining international framework, Standards

In a converging world, where borders between countries are surpassed in the digital environment, it is necessary to develop systems that effectively replace the recognition "vis-a-vis" with digital means of recognizing and identifying entities and people. In this work we summarize the current standardization efforts in the area of digital identity management. We identify a number of open challenges that need to be addressed in the near future to ensure the interoperability and usability of digital identity management services in an efficient and privacy maintaining international framework. These challenges for standardization include: the management of identifiers for digital identities at the global level; attribute management including attribute format, structure, and assurance; procedures and protocols to link attributes to digital identities. Attention is drawn to key elements that should be considered in addressing these issues through standardization.

Citation Key6858475