Visible to the public Surveing the challenges and requirements for identity in the cloud

TitleSurveing the challenges and requirements for identity in the cloud
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsBen Bouazza, N., Lemoudden, M., El Ouahidi, B.
Conference NameSecurity Days (JNS4), Proceedings of the 4th Edition of National
Date PublishedMay
KeywordsAccess Control, authentication, business organizations, Claim, cloud, cloud computing, cloud service providers, cloud technologies, Computational modeling, Computers, computing resource sharing, data centers, Federated identity, federated identity management, Federation provider, hybrid clouds, Identity provider, Organizations, SaaS, security, security of data, Token, user identity federation

Cloud technologies are increasingly important for IT department for allowing them to concentrate on strategy as opposed to maintaining data centers; the biggest advantages of the cloud is the ability to share computing resources between multiple providers, especially hybrid clouds, in overcoming infrastructure limitations. User identity federation is considered as the second major risk in the cloud, and since business organizations use multiple cloud service providers, IT department faces a range of constraints. Multiple attempts to solve this problem have been suggested like federated Identity, which has a number of advantages, despite it suffering from challenges that are common in new technologies. The following paper tackles federated identity, its components, advantages, disadvantages, and then proposes a number of useful scenarios to manage identity in hybrid clouds infrastructure.

Citation Key6850127