Visible to the public BIOS integrity an advanced persistent threat

TitleBIOS integrity an advanced persistent threat
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsButt, M.I.A.
Conference NameInformation Assurance and Cyber Security (CIACS), 2014 Conference on
Date PublishedJune
Keywordsadvanced persistent threat, Advanced Persistent Threat (APT), basic input output system, Biological system modeling, BIOS integrity, BIOS Integrity Measurement, computer network security, data integrity, firmware, Hardware, information security spectrum, Iranian Nuclear Power Plant, Organizations, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), roots of trust, Roots of Trust (RoTs), security, Servers, Stuxnet, Trusted Computing, Vectors

Basic Input Output System (BIOS) is the most important component of a computer system by virtue of its role i.e., it holds the code which is executed at the time of startup. It is considered as the trusted computing base, and its integrity is extremely important for smooth functioning of the system. On the contrary, BIOS of new computer systems (servers, laptops, desktops, network devices, and other embedded systems) can be easily upgraded using a flash or capsule mechanism which can add new vulnerabilities either through malicious code, or by accidental incidents, and deliberate attack. The recent attack on Iranian Nuclear Power Plant (Stuxnet) [1:2] is an example of advanced persistent attack. This attack vector adds a new dimension into the information security (IS) spectrum, which needs to be guarded by implementing a holistic approach employed at enterprise level. Malicious BIOS upgrades can also cause denial of service, stealing of information or addition of new backdoors which can be exploited by attackers for causing business loss, passive eaves dropping or total destruction of system without knowledge of user. To address this challenge a capability for verification of BIOS integrity needs to be developed and due diligence must be observed for proactive resolution of the issue. This paper explains the BIOS Integrity threats and presents a prevention strategy for effective and proactive resolution.

Citation Key6861331