Visible to the public Robust, Secure, and Cost-Effective Design for Cyber-Physical Systems

TitleRobust, Secure, and Cost-Effective Design for Cyber-Physical Systems
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsDong-Hoon Shin, Shibo He, Junshan Zhang
JournalIntelligent Systems, IEEE
Date PublishedJan
Keywordscost-effective architecture, cost-effective design, CPS, CPSS, Cyber-physical systems, cyber-physical-social systems, cyberphysical systems, Intelligent systems, Logic gates, middleware, Monitoring, phasor measurement units, power system security, quality of service, Robustness, security vulnerability, Smart grid, smart power grids, stability

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) can potentially benefit a wide array of applications and areas. Here, the authors look at some of the challenges surrounding CPS, and consider a feasible solution for creating a robust, secure, and cost-effective architecture.

Citation Key6802237