Visible to the public Neighborhood area network security in smart grid using security enhanced key updating

TitleNeighborhood area network security in smart grid using security enhanced key updating
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsToor, G. S., Ma, M.
Conference Name2015 10th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS)
Date Publisheddec
Keywordsauthentication, Communication networks, Computer crime, cryptographic protocols, cyber-attacks, denial of service attack, DoS attack, efficient mesh security association protocols, EMSA, EMSA protocol, EMSA protocols, IEEE 802.11s, key refreshment strategy, Logic gates, mesh key holder security handshake, MKHSH, NAN, neighborhood area network security, PAT, PCL, power system security, process analysis toolkit, protocol composition logic, Protocols, pubcrawl170109, SAE protocols, security attacks, security enhanced key updating, simple one-way hash function based scheme, simultaneous authentication of equals protocols, Smart grid, smart grid infrastructure, Smart grids, smart power grids, telecommunication security, wireless mesh networks, WMNs

Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are being considered as most adequate for deployment in the Neighborhood Area Network (NAN) domain of the smart grid infrastructure because their features such as self-organizing, scalability and cost-efficiency complement the NAN requirements. To enhance the security of the WMNs, the key refreshment strategy for the Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (SAE) or the Efficient Mesh Security Association (EMSA) protocols is an efficient way to make the network more resilient against the cyber-attacks. However, a security vulnerability is discovered in the EMSA protocol when using the key refreshment strategy. The first message of the Mesh Key Holder Security Handshake (MKHSH) can be forged and replayed back in the next cycles of the key refreshment leading to a Denial of Service (DoS) attack. In this paper, a simple one-way hash function based scheme is proposed to prevent the unprotected message from being replayed together with an enhancement to the key refreshment scheme to improve the resilience of the MKHSH. The Protocol Composition Logic (PCL) is used to verify the logical correctness of the proposed scheme, while the Process Analysis Toolkit (PAT) is used to evaluate the security functionality against the malicious attacks.

Citation Keytoor_neighborhood_2015