Visible to the public On resilience of Wireless Mesh routing protocol against DoS attacks in IoT-based ambient assisted living applications

TitleOn resilience of Wireless Mesh routing protocol against DoS attacks in IoT-based ambient assisted living applications
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsAlanazi, S., Al-Muhtadi, J., Derhab, A., Saleem, K., AlRomi, A. N., Alholaibah, H. S., Rodrigues, J. J. P. C.
Conference Name2015 17th International Conference on E-health Networking, Application Services (HealthCom)
Date Publishedoct
ISBN Number978-1-4673-8325-7
KeywordsAmbient Assisted Living, Computer crime, computer network security, data packet delivery ratio, denial of service, Denial of Service attacks, DoS attacks, eHealthcare, Internet of Things, IoT-based ambient assisted living applications, network layer attacks, pubcrawl170109, Routing, Routing Protocol, Routing protocols, security, Wireless communication, wireless mesh network, wireless mesh networks, wireless mesh routing protocol, Wireless sensor networks

The future of ambient assisted living (AAL) especially eHealthcare almost depends on the smart objects that are part of the Internet of things (IoT). In our AAL scenario, these objects collect and transfer real-time information about the patients to the hospital server with the help of Wireless Mesh Network (WMN). Due to the multi-hop nature of mesh networks, it is possible for an adversary to reroute the network traffic via many denial of service (DoS) attacks, and hence affect the correct functionality of the mesh routing protocol. In this paper, based on a comparative study, we choose the most suitable secure mesh routing protocol for IoT-based AAL applications. Then, we analyze the resilience of this protocol against DoS attacks. Focusing on the hello flooding attack, the protocol is simulated and analyzed in terms of data packet delivery ratio, delay, and throughput. Simulation results show that the chosen protocol is totally resilient against DoS attack and can be one of the best candidates for secure routing in IoT-based AAL applications.

Citation Keyalanazi_resilience_2015