Visible to the public A Lightweight Multi-receiver Encryption Scheme with Mutual Authentication

TitleA Lightweight Multi-receiver Encryption Scheme with Mutual Authentication
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsWin, E. K., Yoshihisa, T., Ishi, Y., Kawakami, T., Teranishi, Y., Shimojo, S.
Conference Name2017 IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)
Date PublishedJuly 2017
ISBN Number 978-1-5386-0367-3
KeywordsAndroid (operating system), android encryption, authentication, decryption, device to device communications, device-generated public keys, disclosure range control, Elliptic curves, embedded Android devices, Embedded systems, Encryption, Human Behavior, human factors, implicit user authentication, Internet of Things, IoT (Internet of Things), IoT applications, lightweight multireceiver encryption, message authentication, message integrity, Metrics, multi-receiver encryption, mutual authentication, pairing operations, performance evaluations, private key cryptography, pubcrawl, Public key, public key cryptography, Receivers, replay-attack prevention, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, Schnorr, Schnorr-like lightweight identity-based partial private keys, sensitive personal data disclosure prevention, source authentication, Trusted Computing, trusted third party

In this paper, we propose a lightweight multi-receiver encryption scheme for the device to device communications on Internet of Things (IoT) applications. In order for the individual user to control the disclosure range of his/her own data directly and to prevent sensitive personal data disclosure to the trusted third party, the proposed scheme uses device-generated public keys. For mutual authentication, third party generates Schnorr-like lightweight identity-based partial private keys for users. The proposed scheme provides source authentication, message integrity, replay-attack prevention and implicit user authentication. In addition to more security properties, computation expensive pairing operations are eliminated to achieve less time usage for both sender and receiver, which is favourable property for IoT applications. In this paper, we showed a proof of security of our scheme, computational cost comparison and experimental performance evaluations. We implemented our proposed scheme on real embedded Android devices and confirmed that it achieves less time cost for both encryption and decryption comparing with the existing most efficient certificate-based multi-receiver encryption scheme and certificateless multi-receiver encryption scheme.

Citation Keywin_lightweight_2017