Visible to the public Securing Augmented Reality Output

TitleSecuring Augmented Reality Output
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsLebeck, K., Ruth, K., Kohno, T., Roesner, F.
Conference Name2017 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP)
Date Publishedmay
KeywordsAR technologies, Arya, augmented reality, augmented reality output security, automobiles, automotive components, Automotive engineering, data privacy, Human Behavior, Industries, input privacy risks, policy framework, privacy, Prototypes, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Resists, Scalability, security, security of data, virtual content

Augmented reality (AR) technologies, such as Microsoft's HoloLens head-mounted display and AR-enabled car windshields, are rapidly emerging. AR applications provide users with immersive virtual experiences by capturing input from a user's surroundings and overlaying virtual output on the user's perception of the real world. These applications enable users to interact with and perceive virtual content in fundamentally new ways. However, the immersive nature of AR applications raises serious security and privacy concerns. Prior work has focused primarily on input privacy risks stemming from applications with unrestricted access to sensor data. However, the risks associated with malicious or buggy AR output remain largely unexplored. For example, an AR windshield application could intentionally or accidentally obscure oncoming vehicles or safety-critical output of other AR applications. In this work, we address the fundamental challenge of securing AR output in the face of malicious or buggy applications. We design, prototype, and evaluate Arya, an AR platform that controls application output according to policies specified in a constrained yet expressive policy framework. In doing so, we identify and overcome numerous challenges in securing AR output.

Citation Keylebeck_securing_2017