Visible to the public Location Privacy in Virtual Cell-Equipped Ultra-Dense Networks

TitleLocation Privacy in Virtual Cell-Equipped Ultra-Dense Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsCatania, E., Corte, A. La
Conference Name2018 9th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS)
Keywords5G mobile communication, 5G networks, access node densification, authentication, cell virtualization, cellular radio, composability, compositionality, data privacy, Handover, Human Behavior, location based services, location privacy, Location Privacy in Wireless Networks, location privacy threats, Metrics, mobile node densification, mobile nodes, next generation 5G cellular networks, privacy, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, tracked mobile nodes, ultra-dense network, virtual cell-equipped ultra-dense networks, virtual cells, virtual entities, virtualisation, virtualization privacy, wireless networks densification

Ultra-dense Networks are attracting significant interest due to their ability to provide the next generation 5G cellular networks with a high data rate, low delay, and seamless coverage. Several factors, such as interferences, energy constraints, and backhaul bottlenecks may limit wireless networks densification. In this paper, we study the effect of mobile node densification, access node densification, and their aggregation into virtual entities, referred to as virtual cells, on location privacy. Simulations show that the number of tracked mobile nodes might be statistically reduced up to 10 percent by implementing virtual cells. Moreover, experiments highlight that success of tracking attacks has an inverse relationship to the number of moving nodes. The present paper is a preliminary attempt to analyse the effectiveness of cell virtualization to mitigate location privacy threats in ultra-dense networks.

Citation Keycatania_location_2018