Visible to the public Detecting the Use of Unsafe Data in Software of Embedded Systems by Means of Static Analysis Methodology

TitleDetecting the Use of Unsafe Data in Software of Embedded Systems by Means of Static Analysis Methodology
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsNovikov, A. S., Ivutin, A. N., Troshina, A. G., Vasiliev, S. N.
Conference Name2018 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)
ISBN Number978-1-5386-5683-9
Keywordscomposability, Containers, diagnostic rules, Embedded computing, Embedded systems, Human Behavior, increase of efficiency, Indexes, potentially unsafe data, program code, program diagnostics, pubcrawl, Resiliency, semantic information, Semantics, software quality, static analysis, static analysis methodology, static code analysis, static program code analysis, syntactic information, Syntactics, unsafe data

The article considers the approach to identifying potentially unsafe data in program code of embedded systems which can lead to errors and fails in the functioning of equipment. The sources of invalid data are revealed and the process of changing the status of this data in process of static code analysis is shown. The mechanism for annotating functions that operate on unsafe data is described, which allows to control the entire process of using them and thus it will improve the quality of the output code.

Citation Keynovikov_detecting_2018