Visible to the public Dummy Traffic Generation to Limit Timing Covert Channels

TitleDummy Traffic Generation to Limit Timing Covert Channels
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsBelozubova, A., Epishkina, A., Kogos, K.
Conference Name2018 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus)
Date PublishedFeb. 2018
ISBN Number978-1-5386-4340-2
KeywordsBandwidth, channel capacity, compositionality, computer network security, covert channel, covert channel capacity formula, covert channels, cybersecurity, dummy traffic, dummy traffic generation, Entropy, hidden communication, hidden transmit information, information leakage, IP networks, IP timing covert channels, Receivers, resilience, Scalability, security policy, telecommunication traffic, Timing, timing channel

Covert channels are used to hidden transmit information and violate the security policy. What is more it is possible to construct covert channel in such manner that protection system is not able to detect it. IP timing covert channels are objects for research in the article. The focus of the paper is the research of how one can counteract an information leakage by dummy traffic generation. The covert channel capacity formula has been obtained in case of counteraction. In conclusion, the examples of counteraction tool parameter calculation are given.

Citation Keybelozubova_dummy_2018