Visible to the public Choice of Control Parameters of Complex System on the Basis of Estimates of the Risks

TitleChoice of Control Parameters of Complex System on the Basis of Estimates of the Risks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsIsaeva, N. A.
Conference Name2018 Eleventh International Conference "Management of Large-Scale System Development" (MLSD
ISBN Number978-1-5386-4924-4
Keywordsasset management, criteria factor, estimate of the risk of functioning, Estimation, group of the operating factors, Human Behavior, human factors, intangible assets, Licenses, Meteorology, Metrics, minimization of risk, patents, Personnel, pubcrawl, Qualifications, rational managing directors, resilience, Resiliency, risk analysis, risk estimation, Scalability, search problems, security, Security Risk Estimation

The method of choice the control parameters of a complex system based on estimates of the risks is proposed. The procedure of calculating the estimates of risks intended for a choice of rational managing directors of influences by an allocation of the group of the operating factors for the set criteria factor is considered. The purpose of choice of control parameters of the complex system is the minimization of an estimate of the risk of the functioning of the system by mean of a solution of a problem of search of an extremum of the function of many variables. The example of a choice of the operating factors in the sphere of intangible assets is given.

Citation Keyisaeva_choice_2018