Visible to the public Assured Delegation on Data Storage and Computation via Blockchain System

TitleAssured Delegation on Data Storage and Computation via Blockchain System
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsPei, Xin, Li, Xuefeng, Wu, Xiaochuan, Zheng, Kaiyan, Zhu, Boheng, Cao, Yixin
Conference Name2019 IEEE 9th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC)
KeywordsAPI, application program interfaces, blockchain, challenge-response model, cloud computing, composability, cryptographic algorithms, cryptography, data integrity, data opening, data privacy, data query security, Data security, data storage, delegation, Distributed databases, integrity checking, Metrics, outsourced data, Outsourced Database Integrity, outsourcing, owner authentication, privacy, privacy issues, Proposals, pubcrawl, public verifiable delegation, remote storage, Resiliency, Servers, smart contracts, transparent public verifiable delegation, untrusted remote data manipulation, user privacy, verifiable computation, verifiable computation problems

With the widespread of cloud computing, the delegation of storage and computing is becoming a popular trend. Concerns on data integrity, security, user privacy as well as the correctness of execution are highlighted due to the untrusted remote data manipulation. Most of existing proposals solve the integrity checking and verifiable computation problems by challenge-response model, but are lack of scalability and reusability. Via blockchain, we achieve efficient and transparent public verifiable delegation for both storage and computing. Meanwhile, the smart contract provides API for request handling and secure data query. The security and privacy issues of data opening are settled by applying cryptographic algorithms all through the delegations. Additionally, any access to the outsourced data requires the owner's authentication, so that the dat transference and utilization are under control.

Citation Keypei_assured_2019