Visible to the public Decision Support System for Risk Assessment Using Fuzzy Inference in Supply Chain Big Data

TitleDecision Support System for Risk Assessment Using Fuzzy Inference in Supply Chain Big Data
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsSalamai, Abdullah, Hussain, Omar, Saberi, Morteza
Conference Name2019 International Conference on High Performance Big Data and Intelligent Systems (HPBD IS)
Date Publishedmay
ISBN Number978-1-7281-0467-6
KeywordsAnalytical models, Big Data, Collaboration, composability, decision making, Decision Support System, Decision support systems, emerging association patterns, FIDSS mechanism, Fuzzy Inference DSS mechanism, Fuzzy logic, fuzzy reasoning, fuzzy set theory, Fuzzy sets, Human Behavior, human factors, inference mechanisms, mamdani fuzzy inference, Metrics, organisation Big Data collection, organisational aspects, policy-based governance, production engineering computing, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, risk assessment, risk Identification, risk management, Scalability, supply chain Big Data, supply chain management, supply chain risk assessment, Supply chains

Currently, organisations find it difficult to design a Decision Support System (DSS) that can predict various operational risks, such as financial and quality issues, with operational risks responsible for significant economic losses and damage to an organisation's reputation in the market. This paper proposes a new DSS for risk assessment, called the Fuzzy Inference DSS (FIDSS) mechanism, which uses fuzzy inference methods based on an organisation's big data collection. It includes the Emerging Association Patterns (EAP) technique that identifies the important features of each risk event. Then, the Mamdani fuzzy inference technique and several membership functions are evaluated using the firm's data sources. The FIDSS mechanism can enhance an organisation's decision-making processes by quantifying the severity of a risk as low, medium or high. When it automatically predicts a medium or high level, it assists organisations in taking further actions that reduce this severity level.

Citation Keysalamai_decision_2019