Visible to the public Complex Network Cybersecurity Monitoring Method

TitleComplex Network Cybersecurity Monitoring Method
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsKalashnikov, A.O., Anikina, E.V.
Conference Name2019 Twelfth International Conference "Management of large-scale system development" (MLSD)
Date Publishedoct
KeywordsBipartite graph, Collaboration, complex network, complex network cybersecurity monitoring, complex network unit cybersecurity, complex networks, composability, computer security, cybersecurity monitoring, Human Behavior, limited resource allocation, Metrics, Monitoring, Policy-Governed Secure Collaboration, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, resource allocation, Resource management, Scalability, science of security, security of data, security sensor, Sensors, special-purpose devices, system monitoring, Task Analysis
AbstractThis paper considers one of the methods of efficient allocation of limited resources in special-purpose devices (sensors) to monitor complex network unit cybersecurity.
Citation Keykalashnikov_complex_2019