Visible to the public Authenticated Network Coding for Software-Defined Named Data Networking

TitleAuthenticated Network Coding for Software-Defined Named Data Networking
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsBoussaha, Ryma, Challal, Yacine, Bouabdallah, Abdelmadjid
Conference Name2018 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA)
Keywordsauthenticated network coding, cache storage, composability, cooperative communication, cooperative network coding mechanism, cyber physical systems, digital signatures, encoding, homomorphic encryption, homomorphic signature scheme, Internet, Internet architecture, MIP problem, named data networking, network coding, Optimization, Predictive Metrics, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Routing, security, security of data, software defined networking, Software-Defined named Data Networking, Switches
AbstractNamed Data Networking (or NDN) represents a potential new approach to the current host based Internet architecture which prioritize content over the communication between end nodes. NDN relies on caching functionalities and local data storage, such as a content request could be satisfied by any node holding a copy of the content in its storage. Due to the fact that users in the same network domain can share their cached content with each other and in order to reduce the transmission cost for obtaining the desired content, a cooperative network coding mechanism is proposed in this paper. We first formulate our optimal coding and homomorphic signature scheme as a MIP problem and we show how to leverage Software Defined Networking to provide seamless implementation of the proposed solution. Evaluation results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed coding scheme which achieves better performance than conventional NDN with random coding especially in terms of transmission cost and security.
Citation Keyboussaha_authenticated_2018