Visible to the public The Effectiveness of Mixed Reality Environment-Based Hand Gestures in Distributed Collaboration

TitleThe Effectiveness of Mixed Reality Environment-Based Hand Gestures in Distributed Collaboration
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsAsiri, Somayah, Alzahrani, Ahmad A.
Conference Name2019 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications Information Security (ICCAIS)
ISBN Number978-1-7281-0108-8
Keywordsaugmented reality, Collaboration, composability, computer aided instruction, cyber physical systems, distributed collaboration, distributed collaboration user experience, distributed collaborative learning scenarios, gesture recognition, groupware, hand gestures, hand gestures system, human factors, immersive collaborative approach, immersive systems, mixed reality environment-based hand gestures, mixed reality technologies, MR interaction, MRCollab, physical presence, physical task, privacy, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Sensors, Software, synchronous prototype, Task Analysis, Three-dimensional displays, virtual reality, visualization

Mixed reality (MR) technologies are widely used in distributed collaborative learning scenarios and have made learning and training more flexible and intuitive. However, there are many challenges in the use of MR due to the difficulty in creating a physical presence, particularly when a physical task is being performed collaboratively. We therefore developed a novel MR system to overcomes these limitations and enhance the distributed collaboration user experience. The primary objective of this paper is to explore the potential of a MR-based hand gestures system to enhance the conceptual architecture of MR in terms of both visualization and interaction in distributed collaboration. We propose a synchronous prototype named MRCollab as an immersive collaborative approach that allows two or more users to communicate with a peer based on the integration of several technologies such as video, audio, and hand gestures.

Citation Keyasiri_effectiveness_2019