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Nasir, J., Norman, U., Bruno, B., Dillenbourg, P..  2020.  When Positive Perception of the Robot Has No Effect on Learning. 2020 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). :313–320.
Humanoid robots, with a focus on personalised social behaviours, are increasingly being deployed in educational settings to support learning. However, crafting pedagogical HRI designs and robot interventions that have a real, positive impact on participants' learning, as well as effectively measuring such impact, is still an open challenge. As a first effort in tackling the issue, in this paper we propose a novel robot-mediated, collaborative problem solving activity for school children, called JUSThink, aiming at improving their computational thinking skills. JUSThink will serve as a baseline and reference for investigating how the robot's behaviour can influence the engagement of the children with the activity, as well as their collaboration and mutual understanding while working on it. To this end, this first iteration aims at investigating (i) participants' engagement with the activity (Intrinsic Motivation Inventory-IMI), their mutual understanding (IMIlike) and perception of the robot (Godspeed Questionnaire); (ii) participants' performance during the activity, using several performance and learning metrics. We carried out an extensive user-study in two international schools in Switzerland, in which around 100 children participated in pairs in one-hour long interactions with the activity. Surprisingly, we observe that while a teams' performance significantly affects how team members evaluate their competence, mutual understanding and task engagement, it does not affect their perception of the robot and its helpfulness, a fact which highlights the need for baseline studies and multi-dimensional evaluation metrics when assessing the impact of robots in educational activities.
Papadopoulos, A. V., Esterle, L..  2020.  Situational Trust in Self-aware Collaborating Systems. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems Companion (ACSOS-C). :91–94.
Trust among humans affects the way we interact with each other. In autonomous systems, this trust is often predefined and hard-coded before the systems are deployed. However, when systems encounter unfolding situations, requiring them to interact with others, a notion of trust will be inevitable. In this paper, we discuss trust as a fundamental measure to enable an autonomous system to decide whether or not to interact with another system, whether biological or artificial. These decisions become increasingly important when continuously integrating with others during runtime.
Sutton, A., Samavi, R., Doyle, T. E., Koff, D..  2018.  Digitized Trust in Human-in-the-Loop Health Research. 2018 16th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST). :1–10.
In this paper, we propose an architecture that utilizes blockchain technology for enabling verifiable trust in collaborative health research environments. The architecture supports the human-in-the-loop paradigm for health research by establishing trust between participants, including human researchers and AI systems, by making all data transformations transparent and verifiable by all participants. We define the trustworthiness of the system and provide an analysis of the architecture in terms of trust requirements. We then evaluate our architecture by analyzing its resiliency to common security threats and through an experimental realization.
Yuan, X., Zhang, T., Shama, A. A., Xu, J., Yang, L., Ellis, J., He, W., Waters, C..  2019.  Teaching Cybersecurity Using Guided Inquiry Collaborative Learning. 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). :1—6.

This Innovate Practice Full Paper describes our experience with teaching cybersecurity topics using guided inquiry collaborative learning. The goal is to not only develop the students' in-depth technical knowledge, but also “soft skills” such as communication, attitude, team work, networking, problem-solving and critical thinking. This paper reports our experience with developing and using the Guided Inquiry Collaborative Learning materials on the topics of firewall and IPsec. Pre- and post-surveys were conducted to access the effectiveness of the developed materials and teaching methods in terms of learning outcome, attitudes, learning experience and motivation. Analysis of the survey data shows that students had increased learning outcome, participation in class, and interest with Guided Inquiry Collaborative Learning.

Killer, Christian, Rodrigues, Bruno, Stiller, Burkhard.  2019.  Security Management and Visualization in a Blockchain-based Collaborative Defense. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC). :108–111.
A cooperative network defense is one approach to fend off large-scale Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. In this regard, the Blockchain Signaling System (BloSS) is a multi-domain, blockchain-based, cooperative DDoS defense system, where each Autonomous System (AS) is taking part in the defense alliance. Each AS can exchange attack information about ongoing attacks via the Ethereum blockchain. However, the currently operational implementation of BloSS is not interactive or visualized, but the DDoS mitigation is automated. In realworld defense systems, a human cybersecurity analyst decides whether a DDoS threat should be mitigated or not. Thus, this work presents the design of a security management dashboard for BloSS, designed for interactive use by cyber security analysts.
Yu, Lili, Su, Xiaoguang, Zhang, Lei.  2019.  Collaboration-Based Location Privacy Protection Method. 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronics Technology (ICET). :639—643.
In the privacy protection method based on user collaboration, all participants and collaborators must share the maximum anonymity value set in the anonymous group. No user can get better quality of service by reducing the anonymity requirement. In this paper, a privacy protection algorithm random-QBE, which divides query information into blocks and exchanges randomly, is proposed. Through this method, personalized anonymity, query diversity and location anonymity in user cooperative privacy protection can be realized. And through multi-hop communication between collaborative users, this method can also satisfy the randomness of anonymous location, so that the location of the applicant is no longer located in the center of the anonymous group, which further increases the ability of privacy protection. Experiments show that the algorithm can complete the processing in a relatively short time and is suitable for deployment in real environment to protect user's location privacy.
Ma, Siyou, Feng, Gao, Yan, Yunqiang.  2019.  Study on Hybrid Collaborative Simulation Testing Method Towards CPS. 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C). :51—56.

CPS is generally complex to study, analyze, and design, as an important means to ensure the correctness of design and implementation of CPS system, simulation test is difficult to fully test, verify and evaluate the components or subsystems in the CPS system due to the inconsistent development progress of the com-ponents or subsystems in the CPS system. To address this prob-lem, we designed a hybrid P2P based collaborative simulation test framework composed of full physical nodes, hardware in the loop(HIL) nodes and full digital nodes to simulate the compo-nents or subsystems in the CPS system of different development progress, based on the framework, we then proposed collabora-tive simulation control strategy comprising sliding window based clock synchronization, dynamic adaptive time advancement and multi-priority task scheduling with preemptive time threshold. Experiments showed that the hybrid collaborative simulation testing method proposed in this paper can fully test CPS more effectively.

Asiri, Somayah, Alzahrani, Ahmad A..  2019.  The Effectiveness of Mixed Reality Environment-Based Hand Gestures in Distributed Collaboration. 2019 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications Information Security (ICCAIS). :1—6.

Mixed reality (MR) technologies are widely used in distributed collaborative learning scenarios and have made learning and training more flexible and intuitive. However, there are many challenges in the use of MR due to the difficulty in creating a physical presence, particularly when a physical task is being performed collaboratively. We therefore developed a novel MR system to overcomes these limitations and enhance the distributed collaboration user experience. The primary objective of this paper is to explore the potential of a MR-based hand gestures system to enhance the conceptual architecture of MR in terms of both visualization and interaction in distributed collaboration. We propose a synchronous prototype named MRCollab as an immersive collaborative approach that allows two or more users to communicate with a peer based on the integration of several technologies such as video, audio, and hand gestures.

Bothe, Alexander, Bauer, Jan, Aschenbruck, Nils.  2019.  RFID-assisted Continuous User Authentication for IoT-based Smart Farming. 2019 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications (RFID-TA). :505–510.
Smart Farming is driven by the emergence of precise positioning systems and Internet of Things technologies which have already enabled site-specific applications, sustainable resource management, and interconnected machinery. Nowadays, so-called Farm Management Information Systems (FMISs) enable farm-internal interconnection of agricultural machines and implements and, thereby, allow in-field data exchange and the orchestration of collaborative agricultural processes. Machine data is often directly logged during task execution. Moreover, interconnection of farms, agricultural contractors, and marketplaces ease the collaboration. However, current FMISs lack in security and particularly in user authentication. In this paper, we present a security architecture for a decentralized, manufacturer-independent, and open-source FMIS. Special attention is turned on the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)-based continuous user authentication which greatly improves security and credibility of automated documentation, while at the same time preserves usability in practice.
Camera, Giancarlo, Baglietto, Pierpaolo, Maresca, Massimo.  2019.  A Platform for Private and Controlled Spreadsheet Objects Sharing. 2019 IEEE 23rd International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC). :67–76.
Spreadsheets are widely used in industries for tabular data analysis, visualization and storage. Users often exchange spreadsheets' semi-structured data to collaborative analyze them. Recently, office suites integrated a software module that enables collaborative authoring of office files, including spreadsheets, to facilitate the sharing process. Typically spreadsheets collaborative authoring applications, like Google Sheets or Excel online, need to delocalize the entire file in public cloud storage servers. This choice is not secure for enterprise use because it exposes shared content to the risk of third party access. Moreover, available platforms usually provide coarse grained spreadsheet file sharing, where collaborators have access to all data stored inside a workbook and to all the spreadsheets' formulas used to manipulate those data. This approach limits users' possibilities to disclose only a small portion of tabular data and integrate data coming from different sources (spreadsheets or software platforms). For these reasons enterprise users prefer to control fine grained confidential data exchange and their updates manually through copy, paste, attach-to-email, extract-from-email operations. However unsupervised data sharing and circulation often leads to errors or, at the very least, to inconsistencies, data losses, and proliferation of multiple copies. We propose a model that gives business users a different level of spreadsheet data sharing control, privacy and management. Our approach enables collaborative analytics of tabular data focusing on fine grained spreadsheet data sharing instead of coarse grained file sharing. This solution works with a platform that implements an end to end encrypted protocol for sensitive data sharing that prevents third party access to confidential content. Data are never shared into public clouds but they are transferred encrypted among the administrative domains of collaborators. In this paper we describe the model and the implemented system that enable our solution. We focus on two enterprise use cases we implemented describing how we deployed our platform to speed up and optimize industry processes that involve spreadsheet usage.
Ezick, James, Henretty, Tom, Baskaran, Muthu, Lethin, Richard, Feo, John, Tuan, Tai-Ching, Coley, Christopher, Leonard, Leslie, Agrawal, Rajeev, Parsons, Ben et al..  2019.  Combining Tensor Decompositions and Graph Analytics to Provide Cyber Situational Awareness at HPC Scale. 2019 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC). :1–7.

This paper describes MADHAT (Multidimensional Anomaly Detection fusing HPC, Analytics, and Tensors), an integrated workflow that demonstrates the applicability of HPC resources to the problem of maintaining cyber situational awareness. MADHAT combines two high-performance packages: ENSIGN for large-scale sparse tensor decompositions and HAGGLE for graph analytics. Tensor decompositions isolate coherent patterns of network behavior in ways that common clustering methods based on distance metrics cannot. Parallelized graph analysis then uses directed queries on a representation that combines the elements of identified patterns with other available information (such as additional log fields, domain knowledge, network topology, whitelists and blacklists, prior feedback, and published alerts) to confirm or reject a threat hypothesis, collect context, and raise alerts. MADHAT was developed using the collaborative HPC Architecture for Cyber Situational Awareness (HACSAW) research environment and evaluated on structured network sensor logs collected from Defense Research and Engineering Network (DREN) sites using HPC resources at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center DoD Supercomputing Resource Center (ERDC DSRC). To date, MADHAT has analyzed logs with over 650 million entries.

Cococcioni, Marco.  2018.  Computational Intelligence in Maritime Security and Defense: Challenges and Opportunities. 2018 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). :1964-1967.

Computational Intelligence (CI) has a great potential in Security & Defense (S&D) applications. Nevertheless, such potential seems to be still under exploited. In this work we first review CI applications in the maritime domain, done in the past decades by NATO Nations. Then we discuss challenges and opportunities for CI in S&D. Finally we argue that a review of the academic training of military officers is highly recommendable, in order to allow them to understand, model and solve new problems, using CI techniques.

Mishra, B., Jena, D..  2018.  CCA Secure Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme for Secure Sharing of Files through Cloud Storage. 2018 Fifth International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT). :1-6.

Cloud Storage Service(CSS) provides unbounded, robust file storage capability and facilitates for pay-per-use and collaborative work to end users. But due to security issues like lack of confidentiality, malicious insiders, it has not gained wide spread acceptance to store sensitive information. Researchers have proposed proxy re-encryption schemes for secure data sharing through cloud. Due to advancement of computing technologies and advent of quantum computing algorithms, security of existing schemes can be compromised within seconds. Hence there is a need for designing security schemes which can be quantum computing resistant. In this paper, a secure file sharing scheme through cloud storage using proxy re-encryption technique has been proposed. The proposed scheme is proven to be chosen ciphertext secure(CCA) under hardness of ring-LWE, Search problem using random oracle model. The proposed scheme outperforms the existing CCA secure schemes in-terms of re-encryption time and decryption time for encrypted files which results in an efficient file sharing scheme through cloud storage.

Maltitz, M. von, Smarzly, S., Kinkelin, H., Carle, G..  2018.  A management framework for secure multiparty computation in dynamic environments. NOMS 2018 - 2018 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium. :1–7.
Secure multiparty computation (SMC) is a promising technology for privacy-preserving collaborative computation. In the last years several feasibility studies have shown its practical applicability in different fields. However, it is recognized that administration, and management overhead of SMC solutions are still a problem. A vital next step is the incorporation of SMC in the emerging fields of the Internet of Things and (smart) dynamic environments. In these settings, the properties of these contexts make utilization of SMC even more challenging since some vital premises for its application regarding environmental stability and preliminary configuration are not initially fulfilled. We bridge this gap by providing FlexSMC, a management and orchestration framework for SMC which supports the discovery of nodes, supports a trust establishment between them and realizes robustness of SMC session by handling nodes failures and communication interruptions. The practical evaluation of FlexSMC shows that it enables the application of SMC in dynamic environments with reasonable performance penalties and computation durations allowing soft real-time and interactive use cases.
Costantino, G., Marra, A. La, Martinelli, F., Mori, P., Saracino, A..  2018.  Privacy Preserving Distributed Computation of Private Attributes for Collaborative Privacy Aware Usage Control Systems. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP). :315-320.

Collaborative smart services provide functionalities which exploit data collected from different sources to provide benefits to a community of users. Such data, however, might be privacy sensitive and their disclosure has to be avoided. In this paper, we present a distributed multi-tier framework intended for smart-environment management, based on usage control for policy evaluation and enforcement on devices belonging to different collaborating entities. The proposed framework exploits secure multi-party computation to evaluate policy conditions without disclosing actual value of evaluated attributes, to preserve privacy. As reference example, a smart-grid use case is presented.

Salah, H., Eltoweissy, M..  2017.  Towards Collaborative Trust Management. 2017 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC). :198–208.

Current technologies to include cloud computing, social networking, mobile applications and crowd and synthetic intelligence, coupled with the explosion in storage and processing power, are evolving massive-scale marketplaces for a wide variety of resources and services. They are also enabling unprecedented forms and levels of collaborations among human and machine entities. In this new era, trust remains the keystone of success in any relationship between two or more parties. A primary challenge is to establish and manage trust in environments where massive numbers of consumers, providers and brokers are largely autonomous with vastly diverse requirements, capabilities, and trust profiles. Most contemporary trust management solutions are oblivious to diversities in trustors' requirements and contexts, utilize direct or indirect experiences as the only form of trust computations, employ hardcoded trust computations and marginally consider collaboration in trust management. We surmise the need for reference architecture for trust management to guide the development of a wide spectrum of trust management systems. In our previous work, we presented a preliminary reference architecture for trust management which provides customizable and reconfigurable trust management operations to accommodate varying levels of diversity and trust personalization. In this paper, we present a comprehensive taxonomy for trust management and extend our reference architecture to feature collaboration as a first-class object. Our goal is to promote the development of new collaborative trust management systems, where various trust management operations would involve collaborating entities. Using the proposed architecture, we implemented a collaborative personalized trust management system. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our system.

Pallaprolu, S. C., Sankineni, R., Thevar, M., Karabatis, G., Wang, J..  2017.  Zero-Day Attack Identification in Streaming Data Using Semantics and Spark. 2017 IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress). :121–128.

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) have been in existence for many years now, but they fall short in efficiently detecting zero-day attacks. This paper presents an organic combination of Semantic Link Networks (SLN) and dynamic semantic graph generation for the on the fly discovery of zero-day attacks using the Spark Streaming platform for parallel detection. In addition, a minimum redundancy maximum relevance (MRMR) feature selection algorithm is deployed to determine the most discriminating features of the dataset. Compared to previous studies on zero-day attack identification, the described method yields better results due to the semantic learning and reasoning on top of the training data and due to the use of collaborative classification methods. We also verified the scalability of our method in a distributed environment.

Khan, M. F. F., Sakamura, K..  2017.  A Tamper-Resistant Digital Token-Based Rights Management System. 2017 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST). :1–6.

Use of digital token - which certifies the bearer's rights to some kind of products or services - is quite common nowadays for its convenience, ease of use and cost-effectiveness. Many of such digital tokens, however, are produced with software alone, making them vulnerable to forgery, including alteration and duplication. For a more secure safeguard for both token owner's right and service provider's accountability, digital tokens should be tamper-resistant as much as possible in order for them to withstand physical attacks as well. In this paper, we present a rights management system that leverages tamper-resistant digital tokens created by hardware-software collaboration in our eTRON architecture. The system features the complete life cycle of a digital token from generation to storage and redemption. Additionally, it provides a secure mechanism for transfer of rights in a peer-to-peer manner over the Internet. The proposed system specifies protocols for permissible manipulation on digital tokens, and subsequently provides a set of APIs for seamless application development. Access privileges to the tokens are strictly defined and state-of-the-art asymmetric cryptography is used for ensuring their confidentiality. Apart from the digital tokens being physically tamper-resistant, the protocols involved in the system are proven to be secure against attacks. Furthermore, an authentication mechanism is implemented that invariably precedes any operation involving the digital token in question. The proposed system presents clear security gains compared to existing systems that do not take tamper-resistance into account, and schemes that use symmetric key cryptography.

Mehetrey, P., Shahriari, B., Moh, M..  2016.  Collaborative Ensemble-Learning Based Intrusion Detection Systems for Clouds. 2016 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS). :404–411.

Cloud computation has become prominent with seemingly unlimited amount of storage and computation available to users. Yet, security is a major issue that hampers the growth of cloud. In this research we investigate a collaborative Intrusion Detection System (IDS) based on the ensemble learning method. It uses weak classifiers, and allows the use of untapped resources of cloud to detect various types of attacks on the cloud system. In the proposed system, tasks are distributed among available virtual machines (VM), individual results are then merged for the final adaptation of the learning model. Performance evaluation is carried out using decision trees and using fuzzy classifiers, on KDD99, one of the largest datasets for IDS. Segmentation of the dataset is done in order to mimic the behavior of real-time data traffic occurred in a real cloud environment. The experimental results show that the proposed approach reduces the execution time with improved accuracy, and is fault-tolerant when handling VM failures. The system is a proof-of-concept model for a scalable, cloud-based distributed system that is able to explore untapped resources, and may be used as a base model for a real-time hierarchical IDS.

Bertino, E., Hartman, N. W..  2015.  Cybersecurity for product lifecycle management a research roadmap. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI). :114–119.

This paper introduces a research agenda focusing on cybersecurity in the context of product lifecycle management. The paper discusses research directions on critical protection techniques, including protection techniques from insider threat, access control systems, secure supply chains and remote 3D printing, compliance techniques, and secure collaboration techniques. The paper then presents an overview of DBSAFE, a system for protecting data from insider threat.

Memon, A.S., Jensen, J., Cernivec, A., Benedyczak, K., Riedel, M..  2014.  Federated Authentication and Credential Translation in the EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure. Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), 2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on. :726-731.

One of the challenges in a distributed data infrastructure is how users authenticate to the infrastructure, and how their authorisations are tracked. Each user community comes with its own established practices, all different, and users are put off if they need to use new, difficult tools. From the perspective of the infrastructure project, the level of assurance must be high enough, and it should not be necessary to reimplement an authentication and authorisation infrastructure (AAI). In the EUDAT project, we chose to implement a mostly loosely coupled approach based on the outcome of the Contrail and Unicore projects. We have preferred a practical approach, combining the outcome of several projects who have contributed parts of the puzzle. The present paper aims to describe the experiences with the integration of these parts. Eventually, we aim to have a full framework which will enable us to easily integrate new user communities and new services.

Wenli Liu, Xiaolong Zheng, Tao Wang, Hui Wang.  2014.  Collaboration Pattern and Topic Analysis on Intelligence and Security Informatics Research. Intelligent Systems, IEEE. 29:39-46.

In this article, researcher collaboration patterns and research topics on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) are investigated using social network analysis approaches. The collaboration networks exhibit scale-free property and small-world effect. From these networks, the authors obtain the key researchers, institutions, and three important topics.

Montague, E., Jie Xu, Chiou, E..  2014.  Shared Experiences of Technology and Trust: An Experimental Study of Physiological Compliance Between Active and Passive Users in Technology-Mediated Collaborative Encounters. Human-Machine Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 44:614-624.

The aim of this study is to examine the utility of physiological compliance (PC) to understand shared experience in a multiuser technological environment involving active and passive users. Common ground is critical for effective collaboration and important for multiuser technological systems that include passive users since this kind of user typically does not have control over the technology being used. An experiment was conducted with 48 participants who worked in two-person groups in a multitask environment under varied task and technology conditions. Indicators of PC were measured from participants' cardiovascular and electrodermal activities. The relationship between these PC indicators and collaboration outcomes, such as performance and subjective perception of the system, was explored. Results indicate that PC is related to group performance after controlling for task/technology conditions. PC is also correlated with shared perceptions of trust in technology among group members. PC is a useful tool for monitoring group processes and, thus, can be valuable for the design of collaborative systems. This study has implications for understanding effective collaboration.