Visible to the public Security Evaluation of Counter Synchronization Method for CAN Against DoS Attack

TitleSecurity Evaluation of Counter Synchronization Method for CAN Against DoS Attack
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsNishida, Kanata, Nozaki, Yusuke, Yoshikawa, Masaya
Conference Name2019 IEEE 8th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE)
Date Publishedoct
Keywordsautomobile security, Automotive engineering, CAN, computer network security, Conferences, controller area network security, controller area networks, counter synchronization method, counter value, Cyber-physical systems, DoS attack, Internet of Things, light emitting diodes, message authentication, on-board communications, pubcrawl, Receivers, replay attack, Resiliency, security evaluation, synchronisation, Synchronization, synchronization deviation, synchronization message
AbstractMAC using a counter value in message authentication for in-vehicle network prevents replay attack. When synchronization deviation of the counter value occurs between the sender and receiver, a message cannot be authenticated correctly because the generated MACs are different. Thus, a counter synchronization method has been proposed. In addition, injection and replay attack of a synchronization message for the synchronization method have been performed. However, DoS attack on the synchronization method has not been conducted. This study performs DoS attack in order to evaluate security of the synchronization method. Experimental results reveal the vulnerability of the synchronization method against DoS attack.
Citation Keynishida_security_2019