Visible to the public White-Box Traceable CP-ABE for Cloud Storage Service: How to Catch People Leaking Their Access Credentials Effectively

TitleWhite-Box Traceable CP-ABE for Cloud Storage Service: How to Catch People Leaking Their Access Credentials Effectively
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsNing, Jianting, Cao, Zhenfu, Dong, Xiaolei, Wei, Lifei
JournalIEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
KeywordsAccess Control, access credentials, authorisation, catch people, ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption, cloud computing, cloud storage, cloud storage service, commitment, composability, Context, cryptography, Data security, encrypted data, Encryption, fine-grained access control, fully secure traceable CP-ABE system, Law, malicious cloud users, Metrics, original key owner, outsourced data, outsourced data security, outsourcing, pubcrawl, Resiliency, white box cryptography, white-box traceable CP-ABE, white-box traceablity
AbstractCiphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) has been proposed to enable fine-grained access control on encrypted data for cloud storage service. In the context of CP-ABE, since the decryption privilege is shared by multiple users who have the same attributes, it is difficult to identify the original key owner when given an exposed key. This leaves the malicious cloud users a chance to leak their access credentials to outsourced data in clouds for profits without the risk of being caught, which severely damages data security. To address this problem, we add the property of traceability to the conventional CP-ABE. To catch people leaking their access credentials to outsourced data in clouds for profits effectively, in this paper, we first propose two kinds of non-interactive commitments for traitor tracing. Then we present a fully secure traceable CP-ABE system for cloud storage service from the proposed commitment. Our proposed commitments for traitor tracing may be of independent interest, as they are both pairing-friendly and homomorphic. We also provide extensive experimental results to confirm the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed solution.
Citation Keyning_white-box_2018