Visible to the public Effectiveness of the acoustic fingerprint in various acoustical environments

TitleEffectiveness of the acoustic fingerprint in various acoustical environments
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsWalczyński, Maciej, Ryba, Dagmara
Conference Name2019 Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and Applications (SPA)
KeywordsAcoustic distortion, acoustic disturbances, Acoustic Fingerprint, Acoustic Fingerprints, Acoustic signal processing, acoustical environments, composability, DSP, Human Behavior, intercepted song, intercepted track, music, musical genres, pubcrawl, railway station, Resiliency, street noise
AbstractIn this article analysis of the effectiveness of the acoustic algorithm of the fingerprint in the conditions of various acoustic disturbances is presented and described. The described algorithm is stable and should identify music even in the presence of acoustic disturbances. This was checked in a series of tests in four different conditions: silence, street noise, noise from the railway station, noise from inside the moving car during rain. In the case of silence, 10 measurements were taken lasting 7 seconds each. For each of the remaining conditions, 21 attempts were made to identify the work. The capture time for each of the 21 trials was 7 seconds. Every 7 attempts were changed noise volume. Subsequently, they were disruptions at a volume lower than the volume of the intercepted song, another 7 with an altitude similar to the intercepted track, and the last with a much higher volume. The effectiveness of the algorithm was calculated for two different times, and general - for the average of two results. Base of "fingerprints" consisted of 20 previously analyzed music pieces belonging to different musical genres.
Citation Keywalczynski_effectiveness_2019