Visible to the public Algorithm for k-anonymity based on ball-tree and projection area density partition

TitleAlgorithm for k-anonymity based on ball-tree and projection area density partition
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsCheng, Chen, Xiaoli, Liu, Linfeng, Wei, Longxin, Lin, Xiaofeng, Wu
Conference Name2019 14th International Conference on Computer Science Education (ICCSE)
Date PublishedAug. 2019
ISBN Number978-1-7281-1846-8
KeywordsAdult dataset, anonymity, ball-tree, Classification algorithms, composability, data privacy, Gotrack dataset, Human Behavior, individual privacy protection, information science, k-anonymity, k-anonymity algorithm, kd-tree, Loss measurement, Metrics, microdata publishing, Partitioning algorithms, privacy, projection area density partition, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, tree data structures, trees (mathematics), UCI, usability

K-anonymity is a popular model used in microdata publishing to protect individual privacy. This paper introduces the idea of ball tree and projection area density partition into k-anonymity algorithm.The traditional kd-tree implements the division by forming a super-rectangular, but the super-rectangular has the area angle, so it cannot guarantee that the records on the corner are most similar to the records in this area. In this paper, the super-sphere formed by the ball-tree is used to address this problem. We adopt projection area density partition to increase the density of the resulting recorded points. We implement our algorithm with the Gotrack dataset and the Adult dataset in UCI. The experimentation shows that the k-anonymity algorithm based on ball-tree and projection area density partition, obtains more anonymous groups, and the generalization rate is lower. The smaller the K is, the more obvious the result advantage is. The result indicates that our algorithm can make data usability even higher.

Citation Keycheng_algorithm_2019