Visible to the public Obfuscatable Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Mobile Crowd Sensing

TitleObfuscatable Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Mobile Crowd Sensing
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsShi, Yang, Zhang, Qing, Liang, Jingwen, He, Zongjian, Fan, Hongfei
JournalIEEE Systems Journal
Keywordsanonymous authentication, anonymous authentication schemes, authentication, authentication request algorithm, authentication requests, Batch verification, black box encryption, composability, cryptographic protocols, device capture attacks, Encryption, information collection, insider attacks, MCS, Metrics, Mobile Application, mobile computing, mobile crowd sensing, mobile crowd sensing (MCS), mobile devices, obfuscatable anonymous authentication scheme, obfuscation, privacy, privacy concerns, private authentication key, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, sensed data, sensor fusion, Sensors, smart phones, special anonymous authentication scheme

Mobile crowd sensing (MCS) is a rapidly developing technique for information collection from the users of mobile devices. This technique deals with participants' personal information such as their identities and locations, thus raising significant security and privacy concerns. Accordingly, anonymous authentication schemes have been widely considered for preserving participants' privacy in MCS. However, mobile devices are easy to lose and vulnerable to device capture attacks, which enables an attacker to extract the private authentication key of a mobile application and to further invade the user's privacy by linking sensed data with the user's identity. To address this issue, we have devised a special anonymous authentication scheme where the authentication request algorithm can be obfuscated into an unintelligible form and thus the authentication key is not explicitly used. This scheme not only achieves authenticity and unlinkability for participants, but also resists impersonation, replay, denial-of-service, man-in-the-middle, collusion, and insider attacks. The scheme's obfuscation algorithm is the first obfuscator for anonymous authentication, and it satisfies the average-case secure virtual black-box property. The scheme also supports batch verification of authentication requests for improving efficiency. Performance evaluations on a workstation and smart phones have indicated that our scheme works efficiently on various devices.

Citation Keyshi_obfuscatable_2019