Visible to the public An Efficient Recommender System by Integrating Non-Negative Matrix Factorization With Trust and Distrust Relationships

TitleAn Efficient Recommender System by Integrating Non-Negative Matrix Factorization With Trust and Distrust Relationships
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsParvina, Hashem, Moradi, Parham, Esmaeilib, Shahrokh, Jalilic, Mahdi
Conference Name2018 IEEE Data Science Workshop (DSW)
Date PublishedJune 2018
ISBN Number978-1-5386-4410-2
Keywordscollaborative filtering, Complexity theory, computer theory, convergence, distrust relationships, human factors, Linear programming, Matrix decomposition, matrix factorization, MF-based recommenders, nonnegative matrix factorization framework, Optimization, pubcrawl, recommender system, recommender systems, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, security, social regularization method, Social trust, social trust information, Sparse matrices, Task Analysis, trust relationships, user-item ratings

Matrix factorization (MF) has been proved to be an effective approach to build a successful recommender system. However, most current MF-based recommenders cannot obtain high prediction accuracy due to the sparseness of user-item matrix. Moreover, these methods suffer from the scalability issues when applying on large-scale real-world tasks. To tackle these issues, in this paper a social regularization method called TrustRSNMF is proposed that incorporates the social trust information of users in nonnegative matrix factorization framework. The proposed method integrates trust statements along with user-item ratings as an additional information source into the recommendation model to deal with the data sparsity and cold-start issues. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, a number of experiments are performed on two real-world datasets. The obtained results demonstrate significant improvements of the proposed method compared to state-of-the-art recommendation methods.

Citation Keyparvina_efficient_2018