Visible to the public Using of an anonymous communication in e-government services: In the prevention of passive attacks on a network

TitleUsing of an anonymous communication in e-government services: In the prevention of passive attacks on a network
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsLeon, Diego, Mayorga, Franklin, Vargas, Javier, Toasa, Renato, Guevara, David
Conference Name2018 13th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)
Date PublishedJune 2018
ISBN Number978-989-98434-8-6
Keywordsanonymous communication, auctions, Collaboration, commerce, Communication networks, communication technologies, cybersecurity, data protection, Delta, digital participation, E-Government, e-government services, Electronic government, government data processing, Monitoring, network attacks, networking, passive attacks prevention, policy-based governance, Protocols, pubcrawl, Receivers, resilience, Resiliency, security, telecommunication security

Nowadays citizens live in a world where communication technologies offer opportunities for new interactions between people and society. Clearly, e-government is changing the way citizens relate to their government, moving the interaction of physical environment and management towards digital participation. Therefore, it is necessary for e-government to have procedures in place to prevent and lessen the negative impact of an attack or intrusion by third parties. In this research work, he focuses on the implementation of anonymous communication in a proof of concept application called "Delta", whose function is to allow auctions and offers of products, thus marking the basis for future implementations in e-government services.

Citation Keyleon_using_2018