Visible to the public Realizing Source Location Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks Through Agent Node Routing

TitleRealizing Source Location Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks Through Agent Node Routing
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsMutalemwa, Lilian C., Shin, Seokjoo
Conference Name2018 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC)
Date Publishedoct
Keywordsadversary, agent node, agent node routing, compositionality, Human Behavior, Location Privacy in Wireless Networks, Metrics, Monitoring, Phantoms, Position measurement, privacy, pubcrawl, random routing, random routing techniques, Resiliency, Routing, Safety, sensor nodes, sensor placement, source location privacy, source node, tactically positioned agent nodes, telecommunication network routing, telecommunication security, Wireless Sensor Network, Wireless sensor networks, WSN
AbstractWireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are used in sensitive applications such as in asset monitoring applications. Due to the sensitivity of information in these applications, it is important to ensure that flow of data between sensor nodes is secure and does not expose any information about the source node or the monitored assets. This paper proposes a scheme to preserve the source location privacy based on random routing techniques. To achieve high privacy, the proposed scheme randomly sends packet to sink node through tactically positioned agent nodes. The position of agent nodes is designed to guarantee that successive packets are routed through highly random and perplexing routing paths as compared to other routing schemes. Simulation results demonstrate that proposed scheme provides longer safety period and higher privacy against both, patient and cautious adversaries.
Citation Keymutalemwa_realizing_2018