Visible to the public Stealthiness of Attacks and Vulnerability of Stochastic Linear Systems

TitleStealthiness of Attacks and Vulnerability of Stochastic Linear Systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsSui, T., Marelli, D., Sun, X., Fu, M.
Conference Name2019 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC)
Date Publishedjun
Keywordscontrol engineering computing, Cyber-physical systems, cyber-security, Detectors, estimation error, Kalman filters, Linear systems, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, security, security of data, Stability analysis, Steady-state, stealthiness, stealthy attacks, Stochastic Computing Security, stochastic linear system, Stochastic Linear Systems, Stochastic processes, stochastic systems, Vulnerability
AbstractThe security of Cyber-physical systems has been a hot topic in recent years. There are two main focuses in this area: Firstly, what kind of attacks can avoid detection, i.e., the stealthiness of attacks. Secondly, what kind of systems can stay stable under stealthy attacks, i.e., the invulnerability of systems. In this paper, we will give a detailed characterization for stealthy attacks and detection criterion for such attacks. We will also study conditions for the vulnerability of a stochastic linear system under stealthy attacks.
Citation Keysui_stealthiness_2019