Visible to the public Experimenting and Assessing a Distributed Privacy-Preserving OLAP over Big Data Framework: Principles, Practice, and Experiences

TitleExperimenting and Assessing a Distributed Privacy-Preserving OLAP over Big Data Framework: Principles, Practice, and Experiences
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsCuzzocrea, A., Maio, V. De, Fadda, E.
Conference Name2020 IEEE 44th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)
Keywordsauthoritative analytical tool, Big Data, big data framework, big data privacy, Bioinformatics, Data analysis, data mining, data privacy, Distributed databases, Distributed Privacy-Preserving OLAP, distributed privacy-preserving OLAP framework, Emerging Big Data Applications, Experiments and Analysis over Big Datasets, Human Behavior, Measurement, Metrics, OLAP aggregate privacy, OLAP analysis, OLAP data cubes, OLAP-based Big Data Analytics, privacy, privacy preservation, privacy-preserving OLAP-based big data analytics, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, security of data, smart cities, Social network services, social networks, Tools
AbstractOLAP is an authoritative analytical tool in the emerging big data analytics context, with particular regards to the target distributed environments (e.g., Clouds). Here, privacy-preserving OLAP-based big data analytics is a critical topic, with several amenities in the context of innovative big data application scenarios like smart cities, social networks, bio-informatics, and so forth. The goal is that of providing privacy preservation during OLAP analysis tasks, with particular emphasis on the privacy of OLAP aggregates. Following this line of research, in this paper we provide a deep contribution on experimenting and assessing a state-of-the-art distributed privacy-preserving OLAP framework, named as SPPOLAP, whose main benefit is that of introducing a completely-novel privacy notion for OLAP data cubes.
Citation Keycuzzocrea_experimenting_2020