Visible to the public Information-Centric Cyberattack Analysis and Spatiotemporal Networks Applied to Cyber-Physical Systems

TitleInformation-Centric Cyberattack Analysis and Spatiotemporal Networks Applied to Cyber-Physical Systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsLyshevski, S. E., Aved, A., Morrone, P.
Conference Name2020 IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques in Wireless Communications (MTTW)
Date PublishedOct. 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-9398-4
KeywordsCollaboration, composability, computer network security, CPS, CPS Resilience, cyber threat, Cyber-physical systems, cyberattack, cyberattack resilience, cybersecurity, cybersecurity capabilities, cybersecurity risks, data quality, Entropy, entropy-centric algorithm, graphs, Heuristic algorithms, Human Behavior, information assurance, Information security, information-centric cyberattack analysis, intelligence exploitation, Internet, Markov chain, Measurement, Metrics, networks, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, situational awareness, spatiotemporal dynamic graphs, spatiotemporal networks, Spatiotemporal phenomena, statistically-characterized dynamic graphs, system vulnerabilities, Tools

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) depend on cybersecurity to ensure functionality, data quality, cyberattack resilience, etc. There are known and unknown cyber threats and attacks that pose significant risks. Information assurance and information security are critical. Many systems are vulnerable to intelligence exploitation and cyberattacks. By investigating cybersecurity risks and formal representation of CPS using spatiotemporal dynamic graphs and networks, this paper investigates topics and solutions aimed to examine and empower: (1) Cybersecurity capabilities; (2) Information assurance and system vulnerabilities; (3) Detection of cyber threat and attacks; (4) Situational awareness; etc. We introduce statistically-characterized dynamic graphs, novel entropy-centric algorithms and calculi which promise to ensure near-real-time capabilities.

Citation Keylyshevski_information-centric_2020